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August 2014 Horoscope for Each Sign of the Zodiac

Aries (March 20 - April 19) You’ve always been fond of taking risks, but this August take thoughtful risks, analyzing what you could lose and what you could win. This is your opportunity to create a meaningful change in the world. Sports have always been one of the most thrilling experiences for you, but now your charts call for something more. You are searching for an adventure which involves passion, intelligence, and the chance to learn and grow. In choosing the best option out there, consider the long-term benefits of what you want to do. Taurus (April 19 - May 20) August will bless you with an atmosphere of domestic bliss. It’s the best time to design your dream home and dream family life. Allow your imagination to run free and to create everything in the smallest detail: the furniture, the quality of light, how you would organize spaces, etc. In going through this creative process, your mind will change. You’ll detach yourself from your parents’ concepts related to th

New Moon in Leo on July 26

The end of this month brings with it a New Moon, which will occur in Leo, on the 26th of July. This lunation is all the more stronger and impactful due to the presence of Jupiter in Leo. The fiery lion reminds us of our passions and gently guides our steps towards the life area where we are bound to excel. Regarding the Sun and the Moon, they are both at 4 degrees Leo, position which leads to some drama in our lives. The combined energies of Jupiter, the Sun, and the Moon increase enthusiasm and turn this New Moon into a perfect time for committing to a goal or a dream. Provided that you truly want to achieve the respective goal or dream and that you try your hardest to achieve it, the universe will surely help you along the way. The warmth of Leo promotes inspiration and creativity. Although life may seem chaotic at times, there are numerous opportunities out there for us to achieve our dreams and to build a life that we are proud of. This New Moon particularly encourages

Pluto's Transit to the Sun Triggers Inner Revolution

During this period of the month – approximately the middle of July – Pluto transits the Sun, deeply influencing the Cardinal signs of the zodiac: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. In astrology, Pluto is unanimously accepted as the master of transformation, creating waves of change in our lives as Pluto’s energies impact us on a soul-deep level. Pluto forces us to face the darkest and most well-hidden parts of our inner selves, thus leading to a true inner revolution. The energies of Pluto bring about important realizations about us in particular, and about the world and life in general. This is why oftentimes Pluto transits engender in us feeling of helplessness and powerlessness – we are forced to face ‘the dark’ in order to find light and to grow. Things change on a deeper level, inside of us, and with this shift of values, experiences, feelings, and so on comes close encounter with the unknown. However, the bright side of this rather turbulent inner transformation is tha

Capricorn Full Moon, July 12th - A Supermoon

The Capricorn Full Moon on the 12th of July is the the first Supermoon of the summer. Astrologer Richard Nolle introduced the term “Supermoon” to refer to the Moon which is closest to our planet when full. If a Supermoon occurs at the same time as a Full Moon, then the lunation has a stronger effect. Each individual reacts differently to a Full Moon: while some are highly emotional, other don’t feel different at all. Your Full-Moon-related experience usually depends on the structure of your chart and on the mathematical relationship established between the lunation and your chart. As a rule of thumb, any life aspect on your chart that is within some degrees of the Capricorn sign will be more deeply influenced by the lunation. This month’s Capricorn Full Moon narrows down the focus on the material world. Everything that is related to finances, our mission in this world, fulfillment, and personal achievement is brought to our attention by this astrological event, inviting us

July 2014 Astrological Overview

The summer solstice marked the peak of light and brightness and we currently find ourselves in a period of growth and richness: fruits ripen, creativity reaches a maximum level, and relationships develop. The Sun is currently in Cancer, but in July it will move into Leo, sign which encourages us to embark on a grand adventure. Jupiter joins the Sun in Leo on the 16th of July, then these two planets merge at 2 degrees Leo on the 24th of July. The Sun’s movement from Cancer into Leo represents a favorable time for us to contemplate our origins and our boldest dreams. Basically, July is a month in which we should celebrate the things which enthuse us and share them with the world.  Mercury has resumed its direct motion on the 1st of July, but it isn’t out of the shadow yet. Therefore, we go over the retro degrees until the 17th of July. During this period, we will experience moments of clarity as dots connect to reveal meaningful units.  Venus enters Cancer on the 18th of Jul

Astrology Sex Tips for Each Sign of the Zodiac

Establishing a strong connection inside a relationship is a key element to the success of the respective relationship. This connection encompasses several areas, such as communication, tastes and preferences, habits, and lastly but not least, sexual life. In the following paragraphs we will take a look at each Sun sign and what characterizes them as lovers. Aries (March 21 - April 19) Full of power and passion, Aries are the best kissers. Natives of this sign can lose their sexual desire pretty fast, so if you’re partner is an Aries, strike the iron while it is hot and aim for his or her erogenous zones. In order to awaken an Aries’s desire, do something unexpected; unpredictability is a turn on for this sign. Try making your Aries lover seductive compliments.  Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Those born under the Taurus sign are masculine in terms of energy. It is this energy that creates their intense sex drive. Taurus people like to be in control and they try to reach a m

New Moon in Cancer on June 27th

The New Moon in Cancer will occur on the 27 th of June. This lunation is all about the waxing and waning of the Moon, which on a symbolical level stands for our lives’ waxing and waning. Therefore, this New Moon can be seen as an organic astrological event. Both the Sun and the Moon are in the same sign, so the New Moon also represents an important energetic threshold for us all. When a New Moon occurs, it is recommended to perform a ritual. IT doesn’t have to be something extremely complex or grand; the key-element to any ritual is the soul presence you bring into it. One ritual suggestion is to light a candle in the colors of the Cancer sign – white and yellow. You could also light the candle several days before the New Moon actually occurs, because this is how any person should prepare a New Moon ritual -- with the targeted astrological sign in mind (by “the targeted astrological sign” we refer to the Sun sign in which the New Moon occurs). It is a shamanic practice to

Jupiter Enters Cancer - Symbolism and Importance of Jupiter

On the 19 th  of June, Jupiter will enter Cancer, its exalted sign, where it will remain for the next year. In terms of physical traits, Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system (it is ten times bigger than Earth). Therefore, calling Jupiter ‘the mighty planet’ is explained by this physical trait as well, and not only because of its influence on our lives. From an astrological point of view, Jupiter is considered in Vedic astrology the Guru of Devtaas or the Holy Gods. Jupiter has a positive influence on all signs and Houses, as it increases positive energies and neutralizes the negative impact that other planets may have on us. As it transits through the zodiac, Jupiter stays for a relatively long period of time in each sign before continuing its movement. Its position at any given moment (i.e. sign and/or House) determines the effects it has on people during the respective period of transit.   Referring back to Vedic astrology, in Indian mythology Jupiter is c

Overview of Planetary Movements in June and July

June and July have several planetary shifts in store, each of them influencing to a certain extent our lives and worldview. Referring to some concepts from Vedic astrology, Rahu and Ketu moved to sandhi degrees on the fifth of June, thus setting the tone for the upcoming two months. We the earthlings will begin to feel the momentum of Rahu and Ketu as they move the former into Virgo and the latter into Pisces on the 12 th of July. Although you may feel the need to create major changes in your life, it is better not to rush important decisions and plans. In order to be happy, energized, and successful during the upcoming weeks, you should follow the example of Saturn which is all about going slow and steady. On the 7 th of June, Mercury goes retrograde. This planet is currently in the Gemini sign, with retrograde planets acting like the nodes Rahu/Ketu. Mercury’s being in Ardra for a few weeks as well will lead to a state of mind concerned with desire and cravings. The retrog

Gemini Sign Overview

The third sign of the zodiac, Gemini is ruled by Mercury which represents intelligence inside matter. The glyph of Gemini symbolizes two pieces of wood bound together. In ancient times this was seen to signify the conflicts arising from contradictory mental processes. Geminis establish their relationship between the self and material substance through a balance of opposing thoughts. This bond may also be interpreted as the link between rhythm and form. Personal Traits The Geminis Interact with the environment, investigate, learn, know and exchange ideas. The intellect dominates Gemini, and all things intellectual are valued greatly by them. As communication is also of importance to Geminis, knowledge is never a thing to be hoarded. Rarely is a Gemini more entertained than in the midst of exchanging ideas with others of an intellectual nature. Being the most versatile of the signs, Geminis are seldom what they seem to be. Chameleon like, they will take a stand, voic

Your Moon Sign and Your Soul Purpose

The Moon is the storehouse of what I like to call out “biological karma”. On exoteric and psychological levels, she is literally and figuratively our mother. She thus represents the nature of the most basic of all of our relationship. The Moon in our natal horoscope therefore speaks to us of our primary needs: food, shelter, material and emotional security. The position of the Moon by sign, house, and aspects to the other planets in our chart, tells us a great deal about our instinctual relationship to such needs. How do we fulfill these primary urges? What constitutes for each of us our instinctual pattern of response when deprived of these basic elements of personal security? In a man´s horoscope, the Moon indicates our relationship to women and to our own inner feminine nature. The lunar position will often indicate the kind of women we seek out for relationship and the nature of the emotional dynamics within such relationship. In a woman´s chart, the placement of the Moon

Venus in Taurus from May 28th to June 23rd

2014 Astro-Note:   Venus chillaxes briefly in   Taurus , a sign the love planet rules, from May 28th to June 23rd.  In manic times like these, follow Venus' desires to what feels simply good.  Invest in what will sustain you and your loved ones, and even grow.  Take pleasure in nature's delights, and stack up memories that engage all the senses.   Slowing Down The love rhythm is laid-back, as Taurus is renown as a sign that takes its sweet time.  If you're in a new love or friendship, Taurus (Venus) is the inspiration for settling into "something more."   In the exhaust fumes of Venus' propulsive time in Aries, comes the immovable feast of Taurus.  Now it's time to root in, and savor the sensual moment.  The pleasure is sharing the luscious fruits of the season. Earth sign Taurus is a lover of the physical 3D experience -- the world of the five senses.  And Venus is to do with desire, what makes life worth living.  If you're running a defi

Reiki: Bring More Energy into Your Life

By Wendy St. Germain Reiki can be easily integrated into many aspects of your daily life allowing you to benefit from the relaxing and healing properties of life force energy. In my article, Reiki - Woven Into the Spiritual Fabric of Your Life, I outlined simple Reiki Techniques to start your day, but when you get to work, there are many more opportunities to do Reiki: Make a Reiki symbol card by drawing all the Reiki symbols to which you have been attuned on a piece of paper or a file card. I did this on my computer by drawing the symbols on paper and scanning into the computer. Then print the symbols on a business card and place it out of site around your work space. You can put one under your keyboard, in your file cabinet or on the back of your wall calendar. Use Reiki symbols as passwords for online accounts, you will be typing them each time you login. Place a mini Reiki crystal grid on your desk, at work, in a very attractive box. Keep a picture on your crystal g

Transiting Energies - Time to Express Yourself

You know what this current mix of transiting energies makes me think of? Taking what’s wild, and applying rules to it. Venus in Aries is just coming off a conjunction with rebel Uranus, and heading into a square with expansive Jupiter in Cancer. Venus in Aries is a bit crazy. Charge after what you want. Flirt with an assertive edge. Draw a little blood. Uranus and Jupiter are punching up those Venus themes (love, money, self-esteem, beauty). Get NOTICED. But Jupiter is trining Saturn Rx in Scorpio. No matter how you slice it, Saturn is about rules. The limits of reality. To me, this feels like taking the crazy____ and  focusing  it. Taking what’s messy and putting some polish on it. Saturn Rx in Scorpio is not about convention, btw (not that kind of polish). It’s about reaching deeper, stretching further (so that you pull a muscle) and coming up with a  meaningful focus . Going to where it aches, and finding the truth, and allowing  those limits  to add an edge to your crea

Weekly Horoscope: May 19, 2014

Venus enters randy Aries and conjuncts Uranus this week, setting off a love connection that can burst its sockets.  Go for the gusto but be prepared for a possible gust o’wind. ARIES   (MARCH 21 - APRIL 20) Not only do you know what to say, you are given the rare opportunity to say it to a bevy of influential, powerfully connected  folks. Press the flesh and impress them all in that unique Aries way. But once you have them in the palm of your hand, what do you do next? Plan it out. The idea is to mold them into a useable form. And what shape might that be? Hmmm. TAURUS   (APRIL 21 - MAY 21) There are several things going on this week and most are happening behind the scenes. You may find that you are especially intuitive at discerning the motivations of others. And you may also feel a strong urge to make a positive impact on the world around you. Why not combine both talents, Taurus? Build a team of do-gooders and do some good. Oh goody. GEMINI   (MAY 22 - JUNE 2