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Showing posts from June, 2014

Astrology Sex Tips for Each Sign of the Zodiac

Establishing a strong connection inside a relationship is a key element to the success of the respective relationship. This connection encompasses several areas, such as communication, tastes and preferences, habits, and lastly but not least, sexual life. In the following paragraphs we will take a look at each Sun sign and what characterizes them as lovers. Aries (March 21 - April 19) Full of power and passion, Aries are the best kissers. Natives of this sign can lose their sexual desire pretty fast, so if you’re partner is an Aries, strike the iron while it is hot and aim for his or her erogenous zones. In order to awaken an Aries’s desire, do something unexpected; unpredictability is a turn on for this sign. Try making your Aries lover seductive compliments.  Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Those born under the Taurus sign are masculine in terms of energy. It is this energy that creates their intense sex drive. Taurus people like to be in control and they try to reach a m

New Moon in Cancer on June 27th

The New Moon in Cancer will occur on the 27 th of June. This lunation is all about the waxing and waning of the Moon, which on a symbolical level stands for our lives’ waxing and waning. Therefore, this New Moon can be seen as an organic astrological event. Both the Sun and the Moon are in the same sign, so the New Moon also represents an important energetic threshold for us all. When a New Moon occurs, it is recommended to perform a ritual. IT doesn’t have to be something extremely complex or grand; the key-element to any ritual is the soul presence you bring into it. One ritual suggestion is to light a candle in the colors of the Cancer sign – white and yellow. You could also light the candle several days before the New Moon actually occurs, because this is how any person should prepare a New Moon ritual -- with the targeted astrological sign in mind (by “the targeted astrological sign” we refer to the Sun sign in which the New Moon occurs). It is a shamanic practice to

Jupiter Enters Cancer - Symbolism and Importance of Jupiter

On the 19 th  of June, Jupiter will enter Cancer, its exalted sign, where it will remain for the next year. In terms of physical traits, Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system (it is ten times bigger than Earth). Therefore, calling Jupiter ‘the mighty planet’ is explained by this physical trait as well, and not only because of its influence on our lives. From an astrological point of view, Jupiter is considered in Vedic astrology the Guru of Devtaas or the Holy Gods. Jupiter has a positive influence on all signs and Houses, as it increases positive energies and neutralizes the negative impact that other planets may have on us. As it transits through the zodiac, Jupiter stays for a relatively long period of time in each sign before continuing its movement. Its position at any given moment (i.e. sign and/or House) determines the effects it has on people during the respective period of transit.   Referring back to Vedic astrology, in Indian mythology Jupiter is c

Overview of Planetary Movements in June and July

June and July have several planetary shifts in store, each of them influencing to a certain extent our lives and worldview. Referring to some concepts from Vedic astrology, Rahu and Ketu moved to sandhi degrees on the fifth of June, thus setting the tone for the upcoming two months. We the earthlings will begin to feel the momentum of Rahu and Ketu as they move the former into Virgo and the latter into Pisces on the 12 th of July. Although you may feel the need to create major changes in your life, it is better not to rush important decisions and plans. In order to be happy, energized, and successful during the upcoming weeks, you should follow the example of Saturn which is all about going slow and steady. On the 7 th of June, Mercury goes retrograde. This planet is currently in the Gemini sign, with retrograde planets acting like the nodes Rahu/Ketu. Mercury’s being in Ardra for a few weeks as well will lead to a state of mind concerned with desire and cravings. The retrog