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Showing posts from September, 2013

Libra Horoscope for October 2013

Your thoughts are switching to amazing climate, amazing vibrant results, and a sharp vision as Venus transits into Sagittarius. From the 7th on to the tenth, there will be an ignition of suggestions in your thoughts and individuals will head to you for advice. Discuss concepts in workshops and conferences plus informal discussions with buddies. You have high appeal this 30 days and will easily win buddies to your side. Relationships are outlined by the Oct 2013 18 full celestial satellite and lunar surpass in Aries and your home of connections. Although you will have to invest quite a bit of your energy and effort into your activities, the results will be worth it. You will attract new individuals into your life as Venus motivates you to create connections with associates and close relatives. During Oct 2013, you may end up with someone you have really liked for a while. Your stamina is quite high, aspect which might cause problems in a relationship. On the twenty-first of Oct,

Celtic Astrology and the Tree Zodiac

Celtic Astrology was created by the Druids sometime around 1000BC. The Druid religion was based on 3 basic strands of belief: the first was to remember their ancestors and the past; the second was to have an understanding of nature so that they could work with it, not against it; and the third was to explore the connection of everyday reality with that of the spiritual realm. In Celtic astrology, the zodiac is based on the trees that the Druids held sacred. It was believed that the trees themselves expressed personal characteristics that could then be associated with particular months of the year. This was done by connecting the tree to a lunar month through the use of the consonants in the Celtic alphabet. 13 of the consonants form the calendar of seasonal magic, and the 5 vowels represent complementary seasonal stations. Unlike the Greco-Roman zodiac, the Celtic calendar has 13 astrological signs based on lunar months. Each month contains 28 days, except the last one (Ruis/

Astrology, Religion, and Spirituality - How They All Go Together

It's a shocking fact that there has never been a human culture which has not related its myths, institutions and identity to the stars. This is as true of the modern West as it was of our stone-age ancestors, and is as relevant to the last, surviving, indigenous inhabitants of Amazonia, as it is of today's American astronomers. After all, no scientist spends cold nights scanning the sky in search of new stars, or long hours decoding data from deep space, if the exercise is completely meaningless. Actually, it is profoundly meaningful and the last hundred years' worth of discoveries of the immense, incomprehensible size of our universe, combined with the sheer wonder of recent color-enhanced images of distance galaxies has proved as enchanting as any ancient story of star gods and goddesses, or of saviors descending to earth from the sky. The name we normally give to the quest for meaning in the sky is astrology, from the Greek logos -- 'word' or 'log

Relationships and Astrology

Perhaps every astrologer, after years of experience with Relationship Astrology, has his/her own guidelines and tips—things that jump out at them as they examine a relationship astrologically—whether or not the astrologer has taken the time to verbalize them. I am no exception, of course. In this article, I am presuming the relationship being studied is a love/romantic one. Different emphases would be placed if we were studying a friendship, parent/child relationship, business relationship, and so forth. One of the first things I look for is a Sun-Moon interaspect. Does the Sun in A's chart form a major aspect with the Moon in B's chart, or vice versa? If not, or even if so, I look to the Sun/Moon midpoint of both A and B's chart. Does A's Sun/Moon midpoint tightly conjunct or oppose a personal planet in B's chart, or vice versa? I consider any aspect in multiples of 45 degrees to the Sun/Moon midpoint significant as well. In the composite chart, do the Su

Astrology, the Divine, and the Creative Spirit

Intimacy with the Heavens Sometimes it's hard to get inside and experience astrology, when it seems so abstract. The planets and stars are far away, but astrology says we're made of the same star-energies. The birth chart records the cosmic energies present at the exact moment of your arrival in this lifetime. As the celestial clock moves forward, the changing sky carries us forward on the path of our destiny. We are spiritually honed by transits, and challenges are presented in the form of those built-in natal aspects. It gets intricate, as you see it's true on the individual level, and for groups, like countries, as well. Fate and Free Will Most astrologers consider the birth chart a set of potentials. It's not a set-in-stone destiny. Things happen that are beyond our control, and seem in the hands of a higher force. But much depends, too, on the choices we make (free will), how we develop that potential, and how we deal with prickly contradictions. It

Indicators of Sexual Attraction Based on Astrology

Things to look for in Synastry: Here we focus on indications of sexual attraction using Astrology as our tool. In this article, we are not discussing long-term compatibility between the sexes--rather, indications of initial sexual attraction and knee-jerk reactions between two people. Indications of Sexual Attraction When somebody's Mars falls in your 5th house, heart-pounding reactions and strong romantic/sexual desires and crushes can be activated. You WANT each other, although the attraction may not last long unless there are other stable aspects and positions in your synastry. When somebody's Mars falls in your 8th house, that person inspires deep sexual urges and physical desires in you. A conjunction of someone's Mars to any angle (that is, the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven-10th cusp, or IC - 4th cusp) in your natal chart will pull out gut reactions and intensity of desire--although the feelings can go either way. Mars-Sun conjunctions, squares, an

Zodiac Flower Signs

Zodiac flower signs are based on the astrological zodiac signs. These are provided here as another method of self-discovery. Flowers offer us a blossoming perspective into our personalities. When we see ourselves as ever expanding and growing flowers, we know that we are infused with infinite potential. Associating our personality with our zodiac flower signs also allows us to accept various phases in our lives. Even though our personalities can be trying at times, our flower signs remind us that every season has its peaks and valleys. Our flower signs are born, grow, and wither only to re-germinate and start the business of growth and expansion once again. As you read through your zodiac flower sign, remember these cycles. Remember that just like the flowers of the field we all grow at our own pace. We cannot force the flower to blossom, and so we must accept our own soul-growth at its own pace too. Also, when we are first learning about astrology and the signs of the zo

The Connection Between Your Time of Birth and Astrology

Predictions play is one of the many functions in astrology. The time of birth of a native is of vital importance to make various calculations and predictions. Every astrologer will take the placement of planets, dasa and antar dasa based on the time and place of birth. While Indian astrologers make predictions based on the movement of moon, Western astrologers consider the Sun. The Sun moves from one house to another every two hours. A lord rules each of the house who will impact the native. Let us examine the characteristics of natives born at different times in a 24 hours span. From Mid night 12 to 2am The important character is that you will evince more importance to know some thing more. You want to learn more. Mercury rules the third house. You will have a sharp mind and likes to be a good critic. You wish to know the news around you as well as foreign lands. Natives born during this period will have good friends circle. From 2am to 4am You will evince more intere

Astrology and the Seasons

As the nights grow shorter and day and night become equal, the sun moves in the sign of Aries in late March and the astrological year begins with Spring. Aries is the beginning of Spring. It is a time of new growth and a time of greater light as the nights continue to grow shorter and the weather becomes warmer. By the time the sun has passed through Aries, in late April, plants are budding, animals are out of hibernation, birds have returned to northern areas and the soil is tilled and readied for planting. Aries is a time of rich new growth. A time of great energy and enthusiasm for the new year ahead. It becomes urgent to prepare the fields and set the seeds. When the sun reaches Taurus, in late April, Spring is established and new growth is everywhere. We see the birth of young animals and new plants. Birds build their nests and have their chicks, animals are born, and gardens are planted. This is a time of continuing toil as the fields are prepared and the seeds are set and

The Astrological Signs and Their Corresponding Elements

Each of the 12 signs of the zodiac corresponds to one of the four elements and can be either, Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable in their mode. " By the bright circle of the golden sun, By the bright courses of the errant moon, By the dread potency of every star, In the mysterious Zodiac's burning girth, By each and all of these supernal signs, We do adjure thee, with this trusty blade To guard yon central oak, whose holy stem, Involves the spirit of high Taranis: Be this thy charge. " - MASON The Element Air The air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. The element of air concerned with the intellect ; it is adaptable. Air is good at rationalizing things and dealing with ideas, but air can have difficult with emotions. The Element Earth The earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. The earth signs are stable and practical, and they are sometimes thought of as stubborn. They are concerned with the mundane details of the world, and what really

The Chinese Lunar Calendar

According to Chinese astrology, the year of birth tells not only your age but also indicates a certain phase or aspect of a sixty year circle of time. Legend has it that Chinese Astrology and the order of the twelve Chinese lunar Calendar animals that define it were determined thousands of years ago by Lord Buddha himself. According to ancient scripts, Buddha realized that the Chinese nation needed a reorganization. So on the occasion of the Chinese New Year (which occurs on different dates from mid-January to mid-February), Buddha called upon the entire animal kingdom for a meeting. But only twelve animals (rat, buffalo, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and boar) showed up for this meeting. Buddha then honored them in the order of their arrival by endowing upon them with a year of their own. From then on, each successive year of the Chinese calendar bore that character of the animal that gave it a name and so, those born in specific animal y

Everything About the Moon

The Moon is a timekeeper, and the luminary that takes over when the Sun sets. In ancient Egypt, this Sun-Moon switchover was embodied by the Sun god Ra and the Moon god Thoth. When the Sun god Ra journeyed into the underworld at night, Thoth took over until Sunrise. In even earlier, pre-historic times, the count of lunar months, and a lunar calendar, was in use across many cultures. The oldest artifacts show lunar markings on animal bone and carved into cave walls. The Native American elder might say he’s been around for Many Moons. In Japan, there’s a Moon-god called Tsuki-Yomi, which comes from Japanese words that mean moon and counter.(1) The Sun is the realm of day and the waking hours Self, and the Moon inhabits the landscapes of the soul, emotions, and dream life. Every culture with an eye to the sky has honored the Moon, and been mesmerized by its changing face, and influence on waters and women's cycles. The Moon is not always feminine in myth, but because

"The Real Book of the Dead" by Collette Sinclaire

Death fascinates people because of its mystery. There are movies, songs, and books that revolve around the concept of death, in all of them ringing the echo of the same question: “What happens when you die?” For hundreds of years people have tried to provide an answer to this inquiry, using religion and philosophy in order to establish whether there is an afterlife or not. After five years spent connecting with the dead, psychic medium Collette Sinclaire finally provides an answer in “The Real Book of the Dead.” This book is a collection of life and death stories, stories of those who have crossed over through committing suicide, drug overdoses, car crashes, murder, and so on. For example, you will read the story of Joe’s wife, a widow visited by Joe’s spirit who comforts and encourages her to fight breast cancer and keep living fully. Or that of Florence, who was raped and ruthlessly beaten to death by her life partner after being caught in bed with another man. Despite