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Showing posts from 2011

Question About Love Life

My Answer: You must evolve into your career. Although you feela pull inside you to fall in love. If you get carried away at this point in your life it will be your downfall. You can also be stubborn at times and follow your own mind which in one way is good, but in this case is not. Twenty years from now, I do not want you to regret making the most of your life. Solidify your career path. A true love, will understand and want you to be everything you can be. Do not compromise your success for anyone. The Question: ( Personal data X'd out) The names, ages and birthdates of all the people involved including myself are: AXXXXXX, age-18, DOB-XXXXXXX My Questions For My E-mail Reading Are: i dont know how to ask my question exactly, i just want to ask that am I really in love and does he loves me too or I should wait more? answre to this question really valuable to me because this is effecting my studies in which I have to concentrate but I am feeling myself unable

Desire , Not Need

From The Secret Daily Teachings To desire something is in proper accordance with the law. You attract what you desire. To need something is misuse of the law. You cannot attract what you need if you feel you need it urgently or desperately, because that emotion contains fear. That kind of "needing" keeps things away. Desire everything. Need nothing.

December Zodiac Preview

Aries - may be contemplating residential moves or unexpected plumbing repairs Taurus- new love relationship changes and endings Gemini- Money decisions, tax issues Cancer-  Time to get in contact with someone you hurt a long time ago and ask for forgiveness. Leo- needs to watch excess spending. Virgo- finding new work or launching new business ideas Libra- new health tests, taking on new health regimen Scorpio- get rid of friends who constantly hurt your feelings. Sagittarius- dealing with relationship endings. Capricorn - new financial and/or health insurance decisions Aquarius- watch with overeating, need to develop a healthy eating plan. Pisces- get organized to solve problems more effectively.

Zodiac Predictions

ARIES You are on the roller coaster still, Aries, but with more downs than ups. This month continues the somewhat strange practice that has becomes a trend with you lately of inner rather than outer work. You are seeing your future coming toward you now and it is quite a different one than you would have recently supposed. Perhaps you are taking better and more serious account in your life of the presence of the difficult and dangerous further reaches of your unconscious hopes and desires. There are surprises lurking there, and miraculous enlightenment, and the belated recognition of the largest part of yourself, which underlies and informs all the rest. As the month begins, you are centered on partnership of all kinds, both business and personal. This occurs at the expense of any career options that you might have that depend on going it alone, since the focus on others is strong for you right now, even including the presence of a spiritual othe

Past Predictions Archive

Psychic Channeling for First Quarter of 2010 GENERAL PREDICTIONS AND PREDICTIONS FOR THE SIGNS Here are some general topics asked of me to look upon: Food Contamination continues into 2010 Way back in 2007 As I predicted we would become fearful of the purity of our food and water. With E-coli found in water for spinach and carrots. Lettuce had an alert. And as always ground beef. To date the FDA has no set standards in monitoring fecal contamiation in rinsed packaged vegetables including lettuce. Still thoroughly wash anything that notes already being triple washed. 2010 Bio Engineered Food Contamination continues 2009, the concern was too many bio-engineered foods, tampering with nature and we ingest re-engineered foods can tamper with our DNA and create a variety of new diseases. A great of produce may be contaminated and create a massive wave of viral enteritis. A new disease will be announced that emmanate from over use of Splenda

I Want What I Want in a Relationship

I had a session with a client last night who was adamant about not being in the kind of relationship he wanted. Upon further questioning, he stated, "If I want a woman just to sleep with her and that is all, that should be it." If I am in something and I want to end it, I will end it" This isn't being on the path of seeking true love, its controlling what you believe you deserve. One of the things that people do so well is limit themselves. They are only seeking XYZ. They eliminate the potential of something grander and higher coming into their lives. When you diminish what you believe you can have in a love relationship, you cut off the possibility of attracting true love into your life. Its one thing to be honest and say , " All I want is a physical relationship.", it's another thing to engage a woman in a physical relationship and make her believe that it will lead to more, when in fact, you know it won't. This is not good karma, and it f

Dream About Buying Your Boyfriend a White Shirt

I had a dream, that I bought my boyfriend a white shirt, it is a re-occuring dream, does it have any meaning? Alice K. Canada Dear Alice, The re-occuring pattern of the dream indicates that it is something that you are not voicing or holding back communication in your relationship. The white shirt indicates that in order for the relationship to get better, your boyfriend must improve his negative thinking about the future prospects of the relationship. His doubts are keeping the relationship in a holding pattern.