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Showing posts from 2015

Recent Scientific Studies Link Social Anxiety to Rare Psychic Gifts

Western medicine continues to transform our world for the better, but the truth is that this transformation would happen much faster if it would finally embrace the healing power of some ancient Eastern traditions. While researching ADD and mental health these past few days, I was more than pleased to come across a series of articles discussing a possible connection between social anxiety and high IQ’s. Even more, it seems there are some recent scientific studies which have come to the conclusion that people suffering from an anxiety disorder are actually incredible empaths. A research study published by the National Institute of Health and the National Center for Biotechnology Information has found that many people with social anxiety disorder are able to perceive the motivations and intentions of those around them. The explanation is simple: these people pay incredible attention to details. Their anxiety forces them to be alert at all times, so they immediately sense when something