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Essential Oils That are Harmful to Dogs.

On a Saturday night, a dog owner arrived home late and noticed that their dog was acting strange and did not recognize them. The owner initially thought that the dog was experiencing a night terror, but the odd behavior continued into Sunday. Upon realizing that a new diffuser had been running in the home, the owner turned it off, and the dog's condition improved on Sunday afternoon. However, the next day, the dog sitter reported that the animal was hiding under the bed and acting abnormally. The owner left work early to check on the dog and discovered that it was still disoriented and confused. The owner decided to take the dog to the emergency vet, where it was discovered that the tea tree oil used in the diffuser was toxic for dogs. Fortunately, the dog's liver was not damaged, but the animal required fluids to remove the toxins from its system. The vet and poison control specialists advised that they have seen an increase in similar cases as the use of essential oils grows
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