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The Ending of 2013 and Capricorn Ingress

Source: Stars and Stones blog With Cancer, a moveable sign, on the Ascendant of the 2013 Aries ingress chart for Europe, it was obvious that the ingress chart would only be valid until the Sun was going to move into 00 degrees Cancer.  Thereafter the Cancer-, Libra- and Capricorn  ingress charts would have to be taken into consideration. On 21 December 2013, at 17:11 UT the Sun is in 00 degrees Capricorn, as the chart above shows, and from this moment the Capricorn ingress chart will be valid until the next Aries ingress on 21 March 2014. Following the rules of traditional mundane astrology, we can establish that Saturn will be the Lord of the Revolution*. Bonatti explains in his Book of Astrology:  “Wherefore if all of the significators failed to be the Lord of the Revolution, the one of them who is more authoritative by the multitude of strengths will take charge as the Lord of the Year, at least until the Lord of the Ascendant or of the 10th goes direct … “(BA p822)

The Sun Signs and Friendship

Friendship is an essential part of our lives and sometimes friends matter more than our immediate family and its members. It is said that even the Devil has his own friends. In astrology the 11th house is said to rule friends and their relationships. Astrology gives much importance to relationships like spouses, partners or lovers but friendship related issues are usually shooed off. But in this age where divorce rates are going over the roof friendship is what makes people to remain glued together come what may. Apart from the 11th house, the 4th, 5th and the 7th houses also have their say in friendship. Some astrologers say that the 11th house is a social house. The 3rd-house friendships are with neighbors, the 4th house rules friends with whom we live and are part of the our family, 5th-house friendships are with people we go out and have fun with, 7th-house friends are particularly close and in a partnership, and 9th-house friendships are those we form in educational situatio

2014 Horoscope for Each Element

2014... Numerologically, it reduces to seven - the number of the thinker and the seeker. Astrologically, it translates the same way. Thinking and seeking, combined, will be part of your goal this year. But just how differs for each sign. Some may be quietly exploring cyberspace in the confines of their own home. Others may go out and about, socially expanding their horizons. In either instance, one skill is emphasized above all others: communication. While we think of communication strictly as sharing information by talking, writing, or body language, we forget that sometimes we communicate without any outward expression at all, through actions and even thoughts. Whether our goals are love-related, career-oriented or just for bettering ourselves, stronger and smoother communications remain essential throughout 2014 and into 2015. For Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) , 2014 presents any number of surprises that will keep you on your toes. Uranus's presence in Aries mean

The Three Magi and Who They Were

The star has a prominent place atop the tree and in carols. The three wise men or magi from afar are included in every nativity scene. That was a mysterious part of the story to me, as a child, and I had no idea what they brought until years later, this frankincense and myrrh. They were astrologers, because they were wise to the stars in motion, as messages from the divine source. In The Shining Star of Bethlehem, Christian astrologer Carmen Turner-Schott writes, "How did they know to follow this star? Some believe that they were astrologers that saw a conjunction of planets and knew it signaled the birth of a special child. We need to remember that in Luke 21:25, Jesus told the disciples there would be signs in the sun, moon and stars upon his return to earth." Carmen notes that the astrologers from the East were following a message from God, to find the special child. They were using their knowledge to read the signs, that are all part of the divine creator, or God

Love Compatibility Based on Life Path Number

In Numerology, the most important number to look at in relationships, especially romantic relationships, is your Life Path number. However, taking into account the vast collection of numbers in each individual's Numerology chart, this is by no means the only number to consider, so the compatibility descriptions that follow should not be taken as the final word. First, you'll need to  determine your Life Path number . 1. Life Path number If you have a 1 Life Path, your most compatible partners are 3 and 5, as both those numbers have the kind of disposition that helps them put up with a bossy and opinionated 1. The happy-go-lucky 3 in particular gets along with the more serious and self-conscious 1 simply by ignoring -- or making light of -- your need to be in charge, while the flexible and adventurous 5 adds a dynamic energy that benefits both of you to the relationship. The very loving and caring 6 also gets along quite well with a 1, but then, the harmonious 6 gets

Birds and Their Symbolism in Dreams

When birds wing their way into our sleeping minds, we are released from earth-bound limitations. Our deeper selves are free to fly where there is no limitation or boundary. Creatures of the sky speak to us of thoughts, higher ideals, spiritual enhancement, even enlightenment. To wit, primitive cultures factor birds as the  closest creature to the heavens , and so they are also messengers of the gods. Also, the element of air is esoterically symbolic of thoughts as well as communication. After having a bird dream, we can ask ourselves "What foremost and recurring (waking) thoughts do I have that my dreams birds can help me with?" Having a bird dream often indicates uplifting themes. Symbolic Meaning of Bird Dreams: Freedom Release Creativity Spirituality Imagination Higher ideals Heightened awareness I've included a few common bird dream symbolism and some thoughts on what their appearance in dreams could indicate. Be sure to click on the blue

Full Moon in Gemini - December 2013

This year's Gemini Full Moon  is on Tuesday, December 17th, 2013 in the wee hours of 4:28 am Eastern-NY and 1:28 a.m. Pacific. For London/GMT, the exact time is 9:28 am.  The wakefulness of the lunar peak is expressed through mutable air (Gemini) and mutable fire (Sagittarius). The Sun and Moon are at 26 degrees, rounded up.  This is a moment for firing synapses that open us to new ways of seeing. When we're in the whirl of Gemini-Sagittarius energies, the kaleidoscope comes to mind.  Life is always changing, depending on the angle of perception.  We see things in a different light, as more becomes known, from our own curious seeking.  Gemini's ruling planet Mercury is in Sagittarius, so there's some mutual reception going on, too.  The chart shows Mercury stacking the deck toward Sagittarius -- and the quest to take all that's collected, and experience a coming together, a fusion, a peak of meaning.  Life's Work and Meaning It's crazy-making t

Are Psychics Born or Made?

There’s no doubt that psychics are insightful and amazing. Whether a clairvoyant, a clairsentient, a medium or all of the above, those with psychic gifts have the ability to tap into the realms beyond our ordinary everyday reality. But when you stop and think about it, are such talented visionaries born or made? Natural Born Psychics We often hear that true psychics are simply born that way. As children growing up they display certain characteristics that indicate possession of supernatural gifts. They often talk to deceased family members or have precognitive dreams. Psychics also seem to run in families as well, leading one to believe there is a genetic component to such abilities. Joyce Morgan (1936 – 2007), a fourth generation psychic from Missouri is just one example. There were psychics on both sides of her family, leaving no doubt that the gift is a family trait. She was born with a “caul” or thin, filmy membrane of skin tissue around her face and head. Not life threate

Moon Sign Personality Traits

Moon signs represent proclivities and vast potentials within us that are often obscured by a murky veil of midnight in our awareness. Where a sun sign represents active principals of ourselves, our moon signs are far more elusive. Some astrologists define our moon sign as our unconscious. Others say our lunar traits are primal and describe our instinctual motivations. I say our moon sign is a vessel of promise, to be viewed through the mystical telescope of focused awareness. Once that light of awareness shines on our lunar faces, a whole new universe of self-understanding is made known to us. The following entries are a sampling of some personality traits of moon signs. Summary of Moon Sign Personality Traits Moon Signs in Aries: You light up best when you're recognized for your talents, but this can be a bit dodgy because Aries as your moon sign dictates a bit of modesty with your accomplishments (had you Aries in your sun, there'd be no issue with tooting y

Sun Signs and How They Spend the Holidays

The holidays are a mixed party bag for a lot of people. Plan ahead with strategies to maximize the fun and minimize the non-fun. Look to the Moon Your Moon sign is your emotional comfort zone, and how you react under stress.  The tips here make sense too, with your Moon sign in mind. Aries You get moody when you're "sitting around," so make a visit with relatives short and sweet. Take your bike with you, and escape to explore. If you're visiting relatives, check out a local novelty attraction. Bring mental stimulation for downtimes, like something you've always wanted to read. Be a champion and volunteer at a soup kitchen. Take along challenging games like chess, backgammon, cards. Go to the gym where you are, and work out! Taurus Try preparing a dish with unusual spices. Explore the landscape where you are, by getting lost in the woods. Take many long afternoon naps. Schedule a holiday massage. Experiment with aromas, and use candles to