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Full Moon in Gemini - December 2013

This year's Gemini Full Moon is on Tuesday, December 17th, 2013 in the wee hours of 4:28 am Eastern-NY and 1:28 a.m. Pacific. For London/GMT, the exact time is 9:28 am. 
The wakefulness of the lunar peak is expressed through mutable air (Gemini) and mutable fire (Sagittarius). The Sun and Moon are at 26 degrees, rounded up.  This is a moment for firing synapses that open us to new ways of seeing.
When we're in the whirl of Gemini-Sagittarius energies, the kaleidoscope comes to mind.  Life is always changing, depending on the angle of perception.  We see things in a different light, as more becomes known, from our own curious seeking. 
Gemini's ruling planet Mercury is in Sagittarius, so there's some mutual reception going on, too.  The chart shows Mercury stacking the deck toward Sagittarius -- and the quest to take all that's collected, and experience a coming together, a fusion, a peak of meaning. 
Life's Work and Meaning
It's crazy-making to take in life's data and impressions, and continue to stack it, as random and meaningless.  But at this lunar peak, Sagittarius and its aspiration holds sway.  It's the quest to find the golden thread of meaning, that will be your guiding light on the way. 
The brilliance of Gemini, and its fluency with perception, is the mixing Moon.  Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius offer relief from the random.  They are the spotters of overarching themes, that become the inspired frames for the future. 
Other Cosmic Happenings
Jupiter is trine to Saturn (in water signs Cancer/Scorpio):  This adds the personal, to the quest for meaning, and what's engaging at the core level.  Like turning a great ocean liner, there is a turning away from what's not making sense to the soul.  The bright future is one with a deep sense of belonging and emotional charge to your life's work.
Uranus Stations Direct
The higher octave of Mercury beings to position its beacon to the future, after being retrograde since July 17th (2013).  Uranus in the first sign, Aries, is waking up new, unprecedented notions of Self, and what's possible.  This is the evolutionary spark, that helps us "begin again" in the midst of so much breakdown in the order of things.  
It's worth noting that Mars (Libra), the force of art and beauty, is moving into opposition to Uranus, in the Full Moon chart.  The theme of finding meaning surfaces here, as well, in the art of balancing the need to break free of old stifling programming/paradigms...with the desire to be fair and mindful of others.
Long Nights Moon
That's what some Native American tribes call it, so notes the Farmer's Almanac.  The nights grow longer, up to the Winter Solstice, which falls on Saturday, Dec. 21st in 2013.  
When the Moon is full in Gemini, the Sun is in the opposite sign of Sagittarius.
Gemini is rearranging mutable sign, making it right for disseminating, shifting moves, mixing it up, examining the pieces. Gemini is an air sign, with an emphasis on juggling opposing ideas, novelty, deciphering culture.
Full Moon in Gemini: de-coding language; observing social trends; wearing many hats; the view from all sides; shaking up reality; playing tricks with perception; fascinating fragments of style and culture; getting the cosmic joke; being contradictory.
This Full Moon illuminates: the paradoxes in your nature; all viewpoints of a discussion; the changeable nature of reality; how truth is revealed in humor; the value of collecting ideas; stream-of-consciousness thinking; quick speech that can dance on the surface of an issue.
It's a Good Time to:
  1. Soothe your nerves, since anxiety spikes at this Full Moon.
  2. Absorb lots of tidbits of information, and distill the essence.
  3. Talk to brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.
  4. Keep the social vibe light and merry
  5. Watch comedies, especially ones with word play.
  6. Play scrabble or charades.
  7. Go to the library or bookstore just to browse.
  8. Catch up with email, phone calls or letters.
You may also want to check out last week's posts:


Anonymous said…
Definitely working on keeping my social life merry and my interaction with others light and pleasant. This New Moon seems to be bringing quite a few events.
penni d said…
I'm ready for that last full moon of the year tomorrow!
Unknown said…
Full moons make me nervous. Seems something always happens during them. This article relaxes me some.
Unknown said…
I will think of this article while looking at the full moon.
Anonymous said…
For me personally, all those Sag/Gem influences intensify because of my Sag Ascendant and, when you add my Pisces Sun to the mix, it could bring mental creativity to my psychic side. I like it! :D
Unknown said…
Sounds like we have quite an interesting full moon coming up, can't wait for it!
Unknown said…
This is great advice! I'll definitely have to catch up with my e-mails, as I've been very lazy with answering them lately.
Unknown said…
I guess it's time for me to catch up with emails, phone calls or letters.
Unknown said…
I hate when there's a full moon! I will remember to do these things during the full moon!
Nico said…
I definitely noticed that the moon has been shining very bright for the last couple of days.
Unknown said…
I will have to pass this article on to my mom. She is a Gemini.

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