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Showing posts from August, 2014

August 2014 Horoscope for Each Sign of the Zodiac

Aries (March 20 - April 19) You’ve always been fond of taking risks, but this August take thoughtful risks, analyzing what you could lose and what you could win. This is your opportunity to create a meaningful change in the world. Sports have always been one of the most thrilling experiences for you, but now your charts call for something more. You are searching for an adventure which involves passion, intelligence, and the chance to learn and grow. In choosing the best option out there, consider the long-term benefits of what you want to do. Taurus (April 19 - May 20) August will bless you with an atmosphere of domestic bliss. It’s the best time to design your dream home and dream family life. Allow your imagination to run free and to create everything in the smallest detail: the furniture, the quality of light, how you would organize spaces, etc. In going through this creative process, your mind will change. You’ll detach yourself from your parents’ concepts related to th