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Showing posts from June, 2013

About Mercury Retrograde in 2013

During certain periods, the planets seem to be traveling backwards through the zodiac, yet this is just an illusion which is called retrograde motion. Although a downside of Mercury being retrograde is that it can cause our plans to go awry, this is a perfect time to reflect on the past. Another two positive aspects of these periods are that intuition is high and coincidences can be extraordinary. When Mercury is retrograde, remain flexible and allow time for extra travel. Also, avoid signing contracts. It is okay to review projects and plans at these times, but it is recommendable to wait until Mercury is direct again to make any final decisions. In 2013, Mercury will be retrograde between the following dates: February 23–March 17, June 26–July 20, October 21–November 10. The origin of ‘Mercury’ is the Latin word ‘merx’, or ‘mercator’, which means merchant. The ancient Romans gave the name Mercury to the Greek mythological god Hermes. Mercury is usually portrayed as a male