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Ask Joanna !

We have valued the work of Joanna Ammons since 1993.
  Subscribe to her free email newsletter of predictions sent to your inbox twice a month. 


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About Joanna: Joanna Ammons is the powerhouse behind this free blog. Her website and intuitive services cater to people seeking information about soulmates. 
She does not think about her intuitive services as ‘work’. “It is more of a path assignment,” she explained. “It’s very simple, I see and hear things and receive messages for individuals I am supposed to help.” People from all ages and even pet owners contact Joanna to find out about love, finances, residential moves, and changes that happen in their lives.
 She said she receives messages and uses no methods like cards or chanting. “I was born with it,” she explained. “As a child, I often got in trouble in school and with my mother. My worst experience was telling a childhood friend that she was adopted and her adopted family did not want her to know it yet. Boy did I get into some trouble that day. I believe we are all born with [this gift] and society wipes it out. It sticks to those who are a bit more stubborn and question the ‘rules’ imposed upon us.” The Love Psychic said if she could have chosen another path for her life she would have studied medicine. She emphasizes this love for physical healing by writing articles for Yahoo News under the genre of health and wellness. “I didn’t choose medicine because I chose taking care of family first,” she explained. “I have members of family who are disabled who I also care for on a full time basis.” With all the inspiration and motivation Joanna gives through her services, I wondered how the giver replenishes herself. “I pray and I believe in God,” she said. “I believe that when we are assigned difficulty in life, we are also given the strength to endure. We are all placed here to love and to serve. You must make some time to take care of yourself so you can be strong to care for the ones you love. I replenish through daily prayer and meditation. If everyone took 15 minutes a day to clear their mind and meditate, that in itself would change their life for the better.” You can subscribe to her free newsletter and get plugged in to her intuitive research 

Joanna Ammons has been featured in over 83 newspapers, radio and television throughout the world. She strives to provide readers with in depth information they can use to enhance various areas of their life. She is the author of " Direct Your Soulmate Into Your Life". sold on Amazon - A breakthrough meditation to telepathically attract your soulmate. She is a featured Health and Wellness contributor on She is a world wide recognized dating and love relationship expert with her column on /span>
Joanna Has been festured in the Chicago Tribune: and 83 News, Television, and Radio Shows worldwide. 

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FREE QUESTION we ask that you only use this service one time free. please do not abuse. Joanna will answer one free question on Twitter at : you must follow her send a DM with your question She will briefly respond within 72 hours with a Yes or No and brief answer You must follow her to receive a DM. Case for Newsletter If you have a situstion that you need help with our editors will review it for Joanna to publish in her newsletter. If you have a question to submit to be answered in the psychic newsletter, email your question to

Questions can be answered anonymously, they are published in the newsletter or on the blog to help others learn. If you are asking a question about your sign or your life please include a birth date or an age.

The editor desk will select questions and inform you if yours is chosen for a response.

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Currently Various options between 9am -11am central time or 3pm to 8pm .
Sometimes same day appointment are available, in most cases 12 hour notice is best.

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Due to spam calls and spoofing we no longer publish the contact phone number on this website. If you prefer to handle at matters by phone, send an email request to be accommodated


Joanna has an option to contact her for an email reading. Email readings are $25 for 5 questions for a request. send your request for an email reading to>

You can order an email reading securelly here: Submit questions sbout a situation or person(S). She will need a first name and birthdate or age for each person you are asking about.
There is a great deal of free information through her weeekly newsletter or articles on this blog
She firmly believes that people should look for all positive avenues to attain answers on their life direction.
She disagrees with the practice of charging money for readings,which is why she loads this blog with free information.
The low prices charged on this site go towards staff and administrative expenses. She mainly earns revenue through her published books. She feels that people have the God given ability to gain their own insight.
When you feel lost in life and you feel like giving up hope, that is the very time to turn to your spirituality for your hope, encouragement, and to uplift you.
She personally believes that no one reading tarot cards, i-ching, ruins, or angel cards, is really capable of giving you advice you can hang your hat on. If anything, those tools are meant to inspire hope, foster alternative suggestions, and not give definitive answers.

There is nothing that can replace living your own life and gaining your own wisdom to ride through life's obstacles. You are given an innate gut instinct. When you clear your mind of chatter you can sense not only when you are out of balance, but deep down inside you know what you have to do to straighten out your life.

When Joanna researches astrology , it is a means of observing the universe around us and pulling from time tested trends to help give advice based on transits and occurrences that can answer questions for the zodiac signs.

This website has been set-up to publish research to help keep you informed about your zodiac sign and earth events that affect us all.

Afternoon Publishing is now publishing her current astrological research and predictions.
We remain committed to sharing her research to help people worldwide.
The purpose of this website is to help you , help yourself .

Joanna has been featured in media worldwide for helping others seeking direction with life's most important 

Read Joanna's Book on Amazon, Its Free Under Kindle Unlimited, or $5.99 for a paperback copy

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