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Showing posts from December, 2008

Asking Angels to Send A Baby?

Questioner: If you ask angels to send you a baby, does that work? Joanna: In Betty J. Eadie's first book, she explains her near death experience which included crossing over and being in an observation point where she saw spiritrs in heaven choosing their parents on the earth. There are several after life encounters where people describe being told when or if they will have another child. This shows case studies that there is a sense of " knowing" , if and when you will be a parent. I personally recommend praying according to your own spiritual beliefs and asking. You can also use the miracle prayer on our website,

Updated Predictions

Whew, quite a few here. Mary - it is a soap allergy Brenda- do not trust the employee just hired Thomas- she was cheating since your daughter was six years old. Gary- the hand lotion sales person is not a good match for you David- your dad says to get your right wrist checked, you know why. Marhall- you will pass the exam Daniel- your wife does not want a divorce for Tina: your abuser did pass away. he does remember how scared you were when he tried to break the door down. He is gone. You do not have to live in hiding anymore, check the social security death index, you will find him on there. for Don- this is a bad business idea, it will not work.