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Showing posts from July, 2014

New Moon in Leo on July 26

The end of this month brings with it a New Moon, which will occur in Leo, on the 26th of July. This lunation is all the more stronger and impactful due to the presence of Jupiter in Leo. The fiery lion reminds us of our passions and gently guides our steps towards the life area where we are bound to excel. Regarding the Sun and the Moon, they are both at 4 degrees Leo, position which leads to some drama in our lives. The combined energies of Jupiter, the Sun, and the Moon increase enthusiasm and turn this New Moon into a perfect time for committing to a goal or a dream. Provided that you truly want to achieve the respective goal or dream and that you try your hardest to achieve it, the universe will surely help you along the way. The warmth of Leo promotes inspiration and creativity. Although life may seem chaotic at times, there are numerous opportunities out there for us to achieve our dreams and to build a life that we are proud of. This New Moon particularly encourages

Pluto's Transit to the Sun Triggers Inner Revolution

During this period of the month – approximately the middle of July – Pluto transits the Sun, deeply influencing the Cardinal signs of the zodiac: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. In astrology, Pluto is unanimously accepted as the master of transformation, creating waves of change in our lives as Pluto’s energies impact us on a soul-deep level. Pluto forces us to face the darkest and most well-hidden parts of our inner selves, thus leading to a true inner revolution. The energies of Pluto bring about important realizations about us in particular, and about the world and life in general. This is why oftentimes Pluto transits engender in us feeling of helplessness and powerlessness – we are forced to face ‘the dark’ in order to find light and to grow. Things change on a deeper level, inside of us, and with this shift of values, experiences, feelings, and so on comes close encounter with the unknown. However, the bright side of this rather turbulent inner transformation is tha

Capricorn Full Moon, July 12th - A Supermoon

The Capricorn Full Moon on the 12th of July is the the first Supermoon of the summer. Astrologer Richard Nolle introduced the term “Supermoon” to refer to the Moon which is closest to our planet when full. If a Supermoon occurs at the same time as a Full Moon, then the lunation has a stronger effect. Each individual reacts differently to a Full Moon: while some are highly emotional, other don’t feel different at all. Your Full-Moon-related experience usually depends on the structure of your chart and on the mathematical relationship established between the lunation and your chart. As a rule of thumb, any life aspect on your chart that is within some degrees of the Capricorn sign will be more deeply influenced by the lunation. This month’s Capricorn Full Moon narrows down the focus on the material world. Everything that is related to finances, our mission in this world, fulfillment, and personal achievement is brought to our attention by this astrological event, inviting us

July 2014 Astrological Overview

The summer solstice marked the peak of light and brightness and we currently find ourselves in a period of growth and richness: fruits ripen, creativity reaches a maximum level, and relationships develop. The Sun is currently in Cancer, but in July it will move into Leo, sign which encourages us to embark on a grand adventure. Jupiter joins the Sun in Leo on the 16th of July, then these two planets merge at 2 degrees Leo on the 24th of July. The Sun’s movement from Cancer into Leo represents a favorable time for us to contemplate our origins and our boldest dreams. Basically, July is a month in which we should celebrate the things which enthuse us and share them with the world.  Mercury has resumed its direct motion on the 1st of July, but it isn’t out of the shadow yet. Therefore, we go over the retro degrees until the 17th of July. During this period, we will experience moments of clarity as dots connect to reveal meaningful units.  Venus enters Cancer on the 18th of Jul