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New Moon in Leo on July 26

The end of this month brings with it a New Moon, which will occur in Leo, on the 26th of July. This lunation is all the more stronger and impactful due to the presence of Jupiter in Leo. The fiery lion reminds us of our passions and gently guides our steps towards the life area where we are bound to excel. Regarding the Sun and the Moon, they are both at 4 degrees Leo, position which leads to some drama in our lives.

The combined energies of Jupiter, the Sun, and the Moon increase enthusiasm and turn this New Moon into a perfect time for committing to a goal or a dream. Provided that you truly want to achieve the respective goal or dream and that you try your hardest to achieve it, the universe will surely help you along the way. The warmth of Leo promotes inspiration and creativity.

Although life may seem chaotic at times, there are numerous opportunities out there for us to achieve our dreams and to build a life that we are proud of. This New Moon particularly encourages creative growth, but only if you focus on yourself – a bit, in a good way. This time of the year simply magnifies your uniqueness, thus helping you to move forward. When things get hectic and everything seems out of your control, Leo acts like a beacon of light which brings you back to your true self.

So far we have talked only about the positive aspects of this Leo lunation. However, not everything is milk and honey. Mars is at 0 degrees Scorpio, creating a tense atmosphere. The influence of this instigating red planet is of such nature that it makes anything possible, anything can happen. Things are stirred and brought to a raging boil. However, all of this astrological bustle can turn out to be a gold mine as you push through hard times and uncomfortable experiences, growing stronger and wiser in the process. “Realness” is what you will hold onto at this time: you set your own standards and you stay true to them no matter what. Long story short, your vulnerabilities can become your assets.

The mighty Jupiter stokes the fire of natural enthusiasm in Leo with a hearty dose of optimism, vitality, and thirst for adventure. Venus is in Cancer, promoting love and art, and it opposes Pluto. This Venus-Pluto tandem brings up questions regarding your values and what matters most to you. The energies of Cancer and Leo help you let go of habits which maintain mediocrity in your life.

This lunation is all about power: to fight for your dreams and for who you really are, to live and act in accordance with your true self. This is a valuable chance to focus on yourself and to reconnect with those parts of your soul and mind which have been ignored for a while. Leo requires that you whole-heartedly embrace life and the New Moon gives you the opportunity to renew yourself, so take advantage of these astrological circumstances and reinvent yourself, recommit to living the best life imaginable.

As for New Moon rituals, this lunation is all about artistic self-expressions. Therefore, you could make a collage based on your favorite things, paint something in vibrant colors, go out and “play,” go on an adventure, and embrace new friendships.


Anonymous said…
I'll surely paint something. Love the fact that each New Moon is a time for self-reflection and rituals.
Anonymous said…
Well, both Hubby and my Mars being in Aries and his rising being Scorpio, we're seeing very little of the "good side" of this lunation.
Unknown said…
I guess this is the perfect time for me to concentrate on my artistic side!
Unknown said…
Love the idea of "new moon " rituals.
Unknown said…
Guess it's time for me to get artistic or make a new friend!
Unknown said…
Going on an adventure sounds like a fun thing to do along with doing something artistic.
Unknown said…
This lunar change brings power? Hmmm, I wonder what kind of power it is going to instill in everyone.
penni d said…
I'm ready to go howl at the fingernail moon. That expresses me so well,lol.

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