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Capricorn Full Moon, July 12th - A Supermoon

The Capricorn Full Moon on the 12th of July is the the first Supermoon of the summer. Astrologer Richard Nolle introduced the term “Supermoon” to refer to the Moon which is closest to our planet when full. If a Supermoon occurs at the same time as a Full Moon, then the lunation has a stronger effect. Each individual reacts differently to a Full Moon: while some are highly emotional, other don’t feel different at all.

Your Full-Moon-related experience usually depends on the structure of your chart and on the mathematical relationship established between the lunation and your chart. As a rule of thumb, any life aspect on your chart that is within some degrees of the Capricorn sign will be more deeply influenced by the lunation.

This month’s Capricorn Full Moon narrows down the focus on the material world. Everything that is related to finances, our mission in this world, fulfillment, and personal achievement is brought to our attention by this astrological event, inviting us to ponder upon the various aspects of our lives from a material viewpoint. The aforementioned astrologer Richard Nolle has identified a link between the Supermoon and an increase in certain types of geophysical activity, such as floods and earthquakes. 

The Supermoon associated with the Capricorn Full Moon is all the more dramatic because this lunation almost makes an exact square to the lunar nodes. When the Sun and the Moon are conjunct to the lunar nodes, the lunation is an eclipse. In this situation, the square aspect is more intense, reason why it has a more dramatic effect. Due to this Full Moon, people will experience increased emotional sensitivity and intensity during the following days. This lunation can be seen as an enriching astrological event, which has the ability to help us advance on our journey, whatever its nature may be.  This interpretation is possible because the lunar nodes are symbolically correlated with a journey from the past – represented by the South Node – to the future – represented by the North Node.

What renders this Supermoon all the more intense the fact that Mars is conjunct to the North Node. These “celestial circumstances” bring to life our inner desire to walk on a clear path towards our destiny. Luckily for us all, Venus harmonizes with both Mars and the North Node, creating balance and illuminating our path. We may all experience love and magic over the next few days – let’s embrace it! 


Anonymous said…
I have never heard of Supermoons before. Interesting concept. And it makes sense that the Supermoons lead to more floods - after all the Moon has to do with the movements of the waters.
Anonymous said…
My natal moon is in Capricorn and I'm already feeling the effects of this Cap full moon as of yesterday. Today is much more intense but I'm not getting any "balanced" or "harmonic" influences at all. Quite the opposite.
Unknown said…
Might explain why my friends over in Germany are currently drowning!
And interesting time, indeed it seems to bring with it some change.
Unknown said…
Hmm, intriguing...looks like things could get interesting.
Unknown said…
Fascinating article...I've never heard of Supermoons before reading this article.
Unknown said…
This was last night and the moon was an awesome sight.
Unknown said…
This was an interesting article. Change is always good though
penni d said…
Didn't know this was a supermoon but it sure was glorious!

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