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Showing posts from 2012

Can You Dream About Your Own Death ?

Question Submitted By Ohna L. Hawaii I had a dream where I saw my own death I jumped off a cliff and fell to my death. Is this a forewarning that I will die ? It was a very real dream and I am scared. It is a dream that you have to be careful about making decisions where you take to many risks to the point of exhaustion and it makes you want to give up. Jumping off a cliff indicates encountering a problem or obstacle in your life in which there will not be a solution. This indicates that there is something or someone in your life that you must let go of for your own good to save yourself. That the result is a deep negative unknown that is translated into jumping off a cliff, if you do not let it go.

Tyra Banks Love Life Prediction

Receieved quite a few emails todays asking me the question if Tyra's new love relationship will work out. I didn't have time to read the news only to see that she has a new boyfriend in conne tion to a trip she took to Bali. I do not need to read the news to go into the psychic. Tyra was born December 4, 1973 I want to point out as a quick aside many of today's celebrities were born in 1973, the energy of that year produced a wave of births of many people with talent. Tyra is unable deep down inside to let go of her past, she may find herself continuing to attract similar types of people because deep down inside she is working out a failed relationship that never had closure. Until she realizes this he will continue spinning her wheels. Her reading does show an upcoming marriage near 4/2014 but, however not to the person she is with now. She does very well at holding long term relationships, but in many ways it is to her disadvantage because she needs to see a man f

Serena Williams Love Life Reading

I received a few emails from clients asking me about a news story talking about the dissappoinment of Serena Williams's love life. This article has made many women feel like they have no hope if a strong female role model physically and financially cannot attain her soulmate. Christine of NY asked " What the heck am I trying for ? If Serena can't have a good love life, what makes me think I can ?" Danielle of Westmont, IL asked " Did you see this article about Serena , do I have hope ?" First of all, we don't try to meet a soulmate. All soulmate relationships that are destined to be on your path do not take trying. This means when you are on your right path in life you will meet the right people. When you are not and you find yourself " pushing" to meet someone, this offers the kind of relationship where you will inevitably feel you will grow out of this and want something more. Serena was born 9/26/81. Strictly reading her love relatio

Predictions For The World 2012

Where do I begin? I was having a heated conversation with two other astrologers. One thinks the United States President newly elected, will be a Republican, the other swears Obama will serve another term. I reminded them both of the overall astrological view that the economy will not greatly improve until 2016, no matter who wins. According to my channeling of 2012, I saw a great banking and stock market downturn in September and October of 2012. Another major financial institution will fail and not be bailed out again. This will correlate with public protests and demonstrations that out number the ones that occurred in 2011. The largest one I saw to occur in the United Kingdom. People are tired and want to be heard. With social media, more and more people are getting braver about expressing their opinions because they are meeting so many other like minded people who seek change and improvement. In my visions world weather has several impactful storms in which during the timefra