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Are Psychics Born or Made?

There’s no doubt that psychics are insightful and amazing. Whether a clairvoyant, a clairsentient, a medium or all of the above, those with psychic gifts have the ability to tap into the realms beyond our ordinary everyday reality. But when you stop and think about it, are such talented visionaries born or made?

Natural Born Psychics

We often hear that true psychics are simply born that way. As children growing up they display certain characteristics that indicate possession of supernatural gifts. They often talk to deceased family members or have precognitive dreams.
Psychics also seem to run in families as well, leading one to believe there is a genetic component to such abilities. Joyce Morgan (1936 – 2007), a fourth generation psychic from Missouri is just one example. There were psychics on both sides of her family, leaving no doubt that the gift is a family trait. She was born with a “caul” or thin, filmy membrane of skin tissue around her face and head. Not life threatening, it simply takes a little extra time for removal during the birthing process. However, since ancient times, such an occurrence at birth is an indication of psychic abilities in the child.Edgar Cayce, the famous American psychic of the 1920s and 30s, for example, displayed early signs of clairvoyance. He often spoke with the spirit of his late grandfather and conversed with numerous spirits as a child. Of course later on he was better known for his predictions and revelations obtained from the Source while lying in a trancelike state. He was definitely born with psychic aptitude.
No doubt you have also come across practicing psychics who were born with intuitive gifts. Many readers either have family lineages or knew of their abilities since childhood. But is birth the only option for becoming psychic?

Man Made Psychics

We’ve all heard that if you put your mind to something and work very hard, you will achieve it. So couldn’t this same attitude work towards psychic development? Of course it could! And as a matter of fact—it does.
The belief that either you have psychic ability or you don’t is a common misconception. Granted, those with a predisposition are definitely at an advantage, but we all have the capacity to learn and develop our intuitive skills. Of course, like any talent, some will naturally excel, while others will have to work much harder.
There are many avenues available for people to enhance their psychic skills and attain the same levels as those born with such gifts. From starting a meditation practice to taking formal intuitive training in psychic development schools, even ordinary folks like us can emerge with skills to see beyond the veil.
And believe it or not, there are many professional psychics out there who will tell you that they were not necessarily born gifted, but rather that they developed their passion for understanding and working with the spiritual realms. In fact, search around the Internet and you’ll likely find a few of these psychics who started from scratch and now offer advice and lessons for the rest of us. If they can do it, so can we!

The Best of Both Worlds

When it comes right down to it, we are all born with psychic potential. For the fortunate few, their abilities are seen in full force at an early age. For others, the path takes a little more effort. But, it’s comforting to know that we all have the potential to reach the realms beyond. And regardless of our skill levels, we can all grow and improve—including the pros. So it would be safe to say that psychics are both born and made!


Anonymous said…
For a really long time I believed that psychics are born with special abilities and that they can't be made, but this article has completely changed that.
Unknown said…
I believe we are all born with psychic abilities and we just have to learn how to use them. We have the capacity to become psychics, but it takes a lot of work and determination to reach our highest potential.
Unknown said…
Really interesting, I always thought psychics were born with their powers! I bet it would be really exciting to learn how to develop such skills.
penni d said…
Too often a person might have the extra sense but from birth on they are taught that it's a bad thing, a thing to be denied. Open minded people are what the world needs.
Anonymous said…
I think the reason for the misconception about needing to be "born psychic" comes from a time when reading materials and education about the psychic sciences was not nearly so prevalent, so "training" in order to become a psychic was non-existent. I can remember when our local public library's "occult" section (which is the category they put all metaphysical books into at the time) consisted of only about 15 books and none of them were on how to develop one's psychic powers.
Unknown said…
This is a great educational article on psychics...thank you!
Unknown said…
This is an enlightening article on psychics and the abilities that might be within all.
Nico said…
This is really fascinating, I have a friend who was not born with it but one days started to receive answers for all sorts of problems which family and friends had.
Unknown said…
I knew that some psychics were born. I didn't know that they could be made.
Unknown said…
I believe psychics are born with the ability.
Unknown said…
I think it's both...some are born and then some are made.

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