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2014 Horoscope for Each Element

2014... Numerologically, it reduces to seven - the number of the thinker and the seeker. Astrologically, it translates the same way. Thinking and seeking, combined, will be part of your goal this year. But just how differs for each sign. Some may be quietly exploring cyberspace in the confines of their own home. Others may go out and about, socially expanding their horizons. In either instance, one skill is emphasized above all others: communication.

While we think of communication strictly as sharing information by talking, writing, or body language, we forget that sometimes we communicate without any outward expression at all, through actions and even thoughts. Whether our goals are love-related, career-oriented or just for bettering ourselves, stronger and smoother communications remain essential throughout 2014 and into 2015.

For Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), 2014 presents any number of surprises that will keep you on your toes. Uranus's presence in Aries means that you may be zinged every now and again with a revelation that makes you deeply reflective.

The year, as a result, follows a back-and-forth pattern of introspectiveness and action. One moment you may be out and about, full of motion and excitement. The next, you're touching base with people you love to gain "brain fuel" for the next big project. And then, out of nowhere... something else comes along that keeps you and your loved ones talking for hours! The things you learn and share thus continue to enrich your life in unpredictable ways.

The Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) year has an organic flow. Instead of the hurly-burly of throwing yourself into tricky situations, the art of effective communication will grow within you like a seed in the Earth. Though outside stimuli still have an effect, ideas have time to gestate slowly, growing almost of their own accord.

As a result, you gain an aura of "quiet wisdom." Even when you feel like isolating yourself from the outside world, you're still praised for the well-nourished concepts you bring to the table when you're ready. Pluto's year-long position in Capricorn charges your words and ideas with a natural, productive effectiveness... Whatever you have to offer, it'll be the right thing at the right time.

For Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), communication is more constructive. Talking and listening become like girders on a skyscraper - they're components of a larger and more important objective. You may not be stopping to smell the roses much this year, but you will remember how the roses smell anyway!

In the meantime, you'll be gaining the satisfaction of watching your personal goals achieved little by little. Your vision of the future you're trying to create will help inspire others with their own aims. There may still be the occasional hesitation, but the overall motion will be forward, propelled by the connections you make with friends and strangers alike.

Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) have two beneficial planets taking up residence within them. Jupiter is in Cancer at the beginning of the year, and Neptune is positioned in cozy Pisces. Put them together, and they spell an abundance of expression. So much to say, so much to hear, so much to do, and so little time to do it in! With every word you give, you receive just as much in return.

Unlike the Fire or Earth signs, there may not be much time to "process" this information. Back and forth it goes, but it doesn't seem there's ever enough time to let it sink in! The good part is that with so much going on, you gain more knowledge even if you don't feel like anything's changed! You're gaining the skill to think on your feet and act wisely even while you're in constant motion.

So if you've taken it for granted before this year, communication will become your key to unlock doors you'd thought were sealed up for good!



Nico said…
This sounds very promising I am really looking forward to new experiences and knowledge.
penni d said…
I like that, "quiet wisdom".
Anonymous said…
Achieving my goals little by little could actually prove more efficient than attacking all my goals at once and, probably, failing in my endeavors. 2014 will be a good year, I can feel it.
Anonymous said…
Neptune -- being the ruling planet (modern) of Pisces -- I should think puts a special emphasis on the Pisces leg of the watery triplicity. So, being a Pisces myself, I'm hoping this is going to be a very great thing! :D
Unknown said…
Looks like I need to do more communicating and seeking.
Unknown said…
My element is fire, and 2014 sounds very promising!!
Unknown said…
It seems to be a great year for Aries! I hope I'll start some new projects and be as active as possible.
Unknown said…
Being a Leo I guess I am going to be on my toes all year!!
Unknown said…
Communication is more constructive? Sounds interesting!!
Unknown said…
Ugh. More communication? I am not a fan of communication at all.
Unknown said…
Oh yes so much to do.

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