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Libra Horoscope for October 2013

Your thoughts are switching to amazing climate, amazing vibrant results, and a sharp vision as Venus transits into Sagittarius. From the 7th on to the tenth, there will be an ignition of suggestions in your thoughts and individuals will head to you for advice. Discuss concepts in workshops and conferences plus informal discussions with buddies. You have high appeal this 30 days and will easily win buddies to your side.

Relationships are outlined by the Oct 2013 18 full celestial satellite and lunar surpass in Aries and your home of connections. Although you will have to invest quite a bit of your energy and effort into your activities, the results will be worth it. You will attract new individuals into your life as Venus motivates you to create connections with associates and close relatives. During Oct 2013, you may end up with someone you have really liked for a while. Your stamina is quite high, aspect which might cause problems in a relationship.

On the twenty-first of Oct, as Mercury retrogrades in Scorpio and your home of financial situation, you do want to remain on top of your expenses. It will be easy to ignore with due schedules this 30 days. Validate that all debts are paid and check claims for mistakes. A financial matter will require your attention near the 8th and you will need further income to manage car maintenance.

Calm your thoughts before bedtimes on the 1st through the twentieth. Mars is transitive Virgo and your home of pleasure on the fifteenth on to the end of the 30 days. Less than sufficient pleasure will cause you to become ill. You may discover that goals near the nineteenth and twentieth offer alternatives to performance problems and connection problems.

The 4th, the 6th, and the 8th are days that you will dread because you will feel pushed too far in terms of workload. From the thirteenth to the seventeenth temperatures will drop to an all-time low for October, so make sure to to keep warm because this month your health is particularly fragile. There are high chances that you will find yourself seated in a physician's office. Take care in traffic on the twentieth as your car may require a trip to a car service for a few changes.

Great days this month are the 5th, the 7th, the 9th, and twelfth. The 15th and the 20th will be your best days in October, completely problem free and full of opportunities. The 23rd will bring an important success, most likely related to your job performance, which in turn may lead to a promotion on the 25th. From the 26th to the end of the month is a favorable period for bonding with your family, so spend more time with your spouse and children.



Madalina said…
I should tell my Libra friend to take care of her health.
Unknown said…
It really is amazing the study of this, and how its behavior on us
Unknown said…
I guess I should show my brother this, he's libra! :D
penni d said…
I am SO paying attention here! Hubby is a Libra and has been working overtime, lowering his imunity system. he also drives a wacky '94 chevy truck, so no doubt it will need maintainance this month.
Unknown said…
This article is great for anyone who is a Libra. Overall, they will have a good month, it seems.
Unknown said…
Got a friend who is a liberal. Will pass this one onto her.
Unknown said…
It was nice to learn about Libra. I am a Scorpio.
Unknown said…
If advice is followed it looks like the Libra will have a decent month.
penni d said…
I will show this article to my Libra hubby.
Nico said…
Amazing, I know a couple of people which are Libra I have to let them know.
Unknown said…
I have a couple Libra friends that need to read this!
Unknown said…
Some friends of mine are Libra's. I should warn them about potential car problems at the end of the month.

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