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Gemini Sign Overview

The third sign of the zodiac, Gemini is ruled by Mercury which represents intelligence inside matter. The glyph of Gemini symbolizes two pieces of wood bound together.

In ancient times this was seen to signify the conflicts arising from contradictory mental processes. Geminis establish their relationship between the self and material substance through a balance of opposing thoughts. This bond may also be interpreted as the link between rhythm and form.

Personal Traits

The Geminis Interact with the environment, investigate, learn, know and exchange ideas. The intellect dominates Gemini, and all things intellectual are valued greatly by them. As communication is also of importance to Geminis, knowledge is never a thing to be hoarded. Rarely is a Gemini more entertained than in the midst of exchanging ideas with others of an intellectual nature.

Being the most versatile of the signs, Geminis are seldom what they seem to be. Chameleon like, they will take a stand, voice an opinion, decide on an option and then completely change their mind tomorrow. Nothing is ever written in stone by the Gemini. They are truly a free soul, driven by curiosity and a desire to know . They usually have several things going at once, and within such chaos, they thrive.

Geminis are bright, witty, entertaining and rarely get deeply absorbed in any one task. They prefer to skim the surface of many things, than to get deeply involved in any one particular interest.Even if they do become drawn into something, they always feel they are missing out something. Anything they haven't touched intrigue them the most.

Positive Traits

Geminis are optimistic people. All things are fresh and fascinating for the them. They possess great enthusiasm. Routine is boring for them. Restless, with an active imagination and a keen intellect, life must be lived to the fullest for the Geminis. Gemini analyzes everything. Gemini's are usually affectionate, courteous, kind, generous, and thoughtful.

Geminis are expressive folk, and this they manifest beyond mere speech. Often gifted with their hands, it seems whatever they touch does turn to gold. Their love of communication may also express itself as an affinity for languages. Geminis have a knack of making life a little more interesting for the rest of the zodiacs.

Main positive traits: Versatile, adaptable, inquisitive, intelligent, quick to learn.

Negative Traits

On the turn of a moment, Gemini can become cynical, biting, moody and quickly angered. Inseparable as two sides of a coin, those born in this sign can be dazzling and irresistible or inconstant and irrational.Once something is familiar , the interest wears thin and the need for new worlds to investigate grows strong again. Geminis are fickle. This is not intentional, it is their basic nature to be so. 

Main negative traits: Superficial, short attention span, restless, nervous, nervous, lacks concentration, conniving.

Lucky stone: Pearl

Would you believe this beautiful and sort after gem is composed primarily of the salt calcium carbonate! It is even classed as "organic" as it is derived from animals and plants. Other members of this class include coral and amber.

Advice for the Geminis

Geminis generally have a sensitive nervous system, and don't fare well under too much stress. As Geminis considers danger about as seriously as they consider the rest of life, there is a need to restrain a sense of heroic invincibility. 

Geminis are likely to have delicacy with the digestive organs and hence they should give due importance to it. They are also rather inclined to have chest trouble. Hence take care...

Origins in Mythology

The constellation of Gemini has been seen as twin figures by cultures throughout the world, back into prehistory. The Greeks recognized them as Castor and Polydeuces. To the Romans they were Hercules and Apollo. Often perceived as twin boys, the lore sustains that they were placed in the night sky by Jove to honor and exemplify the fidelity of their brotherly love. In other instances they were seen as a sister and brother or two angels, then within later Christian traditions, as Adam and Eve.

Stories of hero twins are also related throughout the world. For the Greeks they were the children of Zeus and Leda,queen of Sparta.The exploits of these twins are many, and all heroic. In their youth they sailed with Jason to retrieve the Golden Fleece.

To the Romans, who knew them as Castor and Pollux, the twins were invoked on the field of battle to assure victory. For centuries beyond they were held as guardians to sailors on extended or risky voyages.



Anonymous said…
My father is a Gemini and he is indeed a handy person. He's the one who fixes everything around the house and he can also make furniture from scratch. Great to have this kind of person around.
Unknown said…
My dad's a gemini too, and reading this I see a lot of him in the descriptions.
I also like the refence to mythology mentioned!
Anonymous said…
The thing I like most about Geminis is that they show an "interested" in things. If they come across something they aren't familiar with, they want to find out more (not too much, tho' cuz they get bored easily). The thing I like least about them is their lack of consistency.
Unknown said…
Yep, I'm a Gemini and this describes me perfectly!!
penni d said…
I like my Gemini friends but was once married to one, the conniver. Aiee!
Unknown said…
Describes my mom pretty accurately
Unknown said…
This describes every Gemini I know. They are some of the smartest and most optimistic people I know.
Unknown said…
The Gemini women I know are much more attractive than the males.

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