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Venus in Taurus from May 28th to June 23rd

2014 Astro-Note:  Venus chillaxes briefly in Taurus, a sign the love planet rules, from May 28th to June 23rd.  In manic times like these, follow Venus' desires to what feels simply good.  Invest in what will sustain you and your loved ones, and even grow.  Take pleasure in nature's delights, and stack up memories that engage all the senses.  
Slowing Down
The love rhythm is laid-back, as Taurus is renown as a sign that takes its sweet time.  If you're in a new love or friendship, Taurus (Venus) is the inspiration for settling into "something more."  
In the exhaust fumes of Venus' propulsive time in Aries, comes the immovable feast of Taurus.  Now it's time to root in, and savor the sensual moment.  The pleasure is sharing the luscious fruits of the season.
Earth sign Taurus is a lover of the physical 3D experience -- the world of the five senses.  And Venus is to do with desire, what makes life worth living.  If you're running a deficit in (simply) good times, watch for clues and make the most of whole-self indulgences.  If you've been up in your head, vow to sneak off to a spot wild with nature, feast on beauty or revive your inner epicurean. 
Amore of the Taurus variety flows best when in sync with natural laws.  It's hard to move a Taurus (Venus) native, if there's no interest.  That spirit trickles into the waters of relationship and creative endeavor, too.  What comes naturally to you?  Has this changed?  Find your organic groove!
Taurus (Venus) has instincts for what will grow, and we can pick those up in the atmosphere.  What will nourish you as an artist, as a friend, a lover? 
The short flash-surges of Aries undergo a sea change in the constant fixed sign nature of Taurus.  The garden has been seeded.  Watch now what blooms and what is crying out for some tender loving care. 
Venus is the muse for all things that issue forth from your creative wellspring.  When Venus is in Taurus, take your wild idea to the hands-on making stage.  Dig into the process, and flesh it out. 
Taurus is tactile and has a patience for craft.  This makes Venus Taurus time one for taking pleasure in the process, not just the end result.  Discover and acquire skills in a new medium or field.   Venus as builder (Taurus) bestows the gift of knowing what works and what's enduring. 
Venus is symbolically linked to the energy flow of livelihood.  So think on this time as one for inviting abundance from many angles.  The printed paper is just one kind of currency, with bartering being a growing way to exchange on a person-to-person basis.  
A wise investment under this Venus-sky is into things that continue to go forth and multiply.  An example is heirloom seeds for a garden patch, or mushroom spores that become culinary embellishments.  When making purchases, the Venus Taurus eye is on quality.  You might, for example, find sturdier materials in the thrift shop, than on the retail rack.  With the patience of the Bull to spot high-quality bargains, frugal living syncs up with living abundantly.
There's pleasure in cultivating an eye for what has value, in a consignment shop or antique mall.  It takes patience and a sense of materials.  These traits of valuating are in effect, and become a guide to what's worth investing in. 
  Venus Taurus Happenings
  • Relax into your aesthetic -- seek new music, put up alluring images, sneak into a matinee. 
  • Experiment in the kitchen.  Drop a new spice into your dishes, like the "Golden Goddess" turmeric.
  • Take your passion, and fall in love with the craft that goes with it.
  • Indulge your senses with aromatic wafts, smells of nature, oils and lotions.
  • Eat what's in season, rediscover an old favorite with its memory-triggering taste, smell and texture.
  • Redecorate or rearrange your space with comfort, artful-appeal in mind.

You may also like last week's articles:
  1. Weekly Horoscope: May 19, 2014
  2. Transiting Energies - Time to Express Yourself
  3. Reiki: Bring More Energy into Your Life



Anonymous said…
Abundance for everyone! I like the fact that Venus is so complex; most people only think of love and sex when they hear "Venus" but this planet is also about growth, abundance, and so much more.
Anonymous said…
Venus in Aries does tend to get a little crazy... I know, that's my natal placement! lol! It's good to slow down now and take time to enjoy the beauty in the world...
Unknown said…
I think I would like rearranging the life, not just a room or two at home.
Unknown said…
A relaxing time, with lots of feelings though.
Unknown said…
I'm trying new music...just bought a couple of new CD's last weekend and haven't listened to them until now.
Unknown said…
Eat what's in season...I have been eating more fruits that are in season.
penni d said…
I think we are doing all of the above in my household.
Unknown said…
Interesting times ahead

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