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Astrology and the Presidency

In the 1970s the cultural historian William Irwin Thompson described Richard Nixon’s resignation as U.S. President as the end of the presidency itself. He believed that Nixon’s departure symbolized a shift in the power of the office rather than just the failure of one man. The idea that leadership in the Oval Office may not be significant corresponds with the transit of transformational Pluto through executive Capricorn from 2009-2023, especially now with revolutionary Uranus coming into a stressful 90-degree square with Pluto. The point is that institutions are changing, including that of the Chief Executive in the United States, regardless of who she or he may be.
Thompson’s idea came to mind recently when I looked at the natal charts of Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney, the leading candidates for the Republican nomination. Gingrich, unsurprisingly, is a glib Gemini with the Moon in philosophical Sagittarius with both making stressful squares to dreamy Neptune. He also has verbal Mercury in chatty Gemini closely conjunct unconventional Uranus. None of these were surprising but what is remarkable is the lack of planets in the early degrees of season starting Cardinal signs, where Uranus and Pluto will continue to trigger changes through 2015.
Mitt Romney is a Pisces with the Moon in Scorpio with only diaphanous Neptune at 9 Libra in the Uranus-Pluto transit zone. This lack of planets at these critical points made me think that neither man would be a meaningful change agent during the next few years. Barack Obama fares slightly better with sociable Venus at 1 degree of Cancer, but that’s still relatively trivial with respect to where the major planetary action is. (Transformational Pluto’s opposition to Obama’s Venus at the time of his inauguration in January 2009 reflects the breakthrough as the first mixed race U.S. president.) The absence of astrological activity is not proof of cultural insignificance but it does suggest that none of these men are likely to lead us into the dawn of a new age, which corresponds with William Irwin Thompson’s decades old belief in the withering power of the American presidency.
It isn’t surprising, though, that an office that requires vast amounts of money and media attention to obtain is not going to represent the cutting edge of American consciousness. The seven-year transit of Uranus in independent Aries is, as I’ve often stated, about individual breakthroughs leading the way to collective change. The leadership we seek lies within each of us. Yet surprisingly, Vladimir Putin’s Sun at 13 Libra is in the Uranus-Pluto transit zone, suggesting that he may play a greater role in shaping the future than the three Americans mentioned. This doesn’t mean that the old KGB spymaster will be transformed into an angel of enlightenment but that changes in Russia may be have more impact on the world’s future than we expect.



Anonymous said…
Come to think about it, when two politicians are competing against each other for becoming the President of the state, astrologers can predict who will win (provided that they have the date of birth and the hour of birth of both candidates). Astrology is simply amazing.
Unknown said…
So seeing Obama only fares only one percent to Cancer this could be why I don't agree with him.
Unknown said…
Interesting to see this kind of conection, maybe people should rely more on astrology next time they vote a president.
penni d said…
I have had a recurring nightmare that someone elected to be our president decides that's it and declares Kingship. Very scarey!
Unknown said…
Sure hope Putin's role with be for the good in shaping the future.
Anonymous said…
I think in light of the resistance gay people are encountering in Russia and the spotlight that has been put on this issue by the Winter Olympics, it could be very likely that what happens there as a result could have worldwide impact for some time to come.
Nico said…
never thought of that combination at all, you really have to choose the time for trying to become president carefully and watch the stars.
Unknown said…
Never thought of putting astrology and Presidency together! This was a very interesting article.
Unknown said…
This is a very intriguing article! I never would have thought of correlating Presidency and Astrology together.
Unknown said…
This was interesting. Astrology and presidency combined in one.

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