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Astrological Overview until Feb. 01

Expect to assert your individuality in the most "in-your-face" way this week. Thankfully, it'll be well received, and even understood by others, because it's likely everyone else will have their avant-garde hat on, too. The big news this week, however, is that Venus will turn direct after having been retrograde since December 21.

Wednesday, Jan. 29: Sun in Aquarius sextile Uranus

On Wednesday, the Sun in Aquarius will be at a friendly angle to Uranus, amplifying the "weird" vibes for everyone. While it's true that sometimes Sun-Uranus energy is prone to erratic, rebellious behavior, that won't be the case this time around. In fact, it's unlikely that anyone will scoff at you for daring to be different.

Thursday, Jan. 30: New Moon in Aquarius

What makes this even more remarkable is that Thursday's New Moon in Aquarius will offer an opportunity to launch a personal endeavor that has "innovation" written all over it. What is your greatest aspiration? This is the New Moon to wish upon if you want it to come true.
Of course, it'll take more than a wish to make your dreams come true, but if you plant the seeds of intention following this lunation you'll have a pretty good head start. In addition, if you're considering launching a new website, social media page or even your very own YouTube channel or webinar series, this will be the New Moon to assist you.

Friday, Jan. 31: Venus Direct, Mercury in Pisces, Jupiter opposite Pluto

Even with all of this electrifying energy in the air, the headline news won't arrive until Friday, with Venus Direct in Capricorn. Venus Retrograde lasted more than a month, but now Sleeping Beauty is finally awake, and although she may be groggy for a few days, you can count on her powers as the lesser benefic of the zodiac to return shortly.
Matters of the heart and money, as well as your self-worth concept, have all undergone a weighty revision over the last few weeks. Now it's be time to implement what you've learned. With Mercury entering Pisces and a potent Jupiter-Pluto opposition on the same day, you'll have the ability to make anything happen, and the conscience to assure you're using your power for good.



Anonymous said…
Sounds like a good time for making relationship-related decisions given that Venus is back.
Anonymous said…
It appears some exciting things are in the works. It just remains to "plant the seeds" so they can come to fruition!
penni d said…
I know only that I awoke restless and rarely feel that. The year has been so good for mine house house this month that we pray it continues on. perhaps by starting something new, as the article suggests?
Nico said…
I am looking forward to these days, sounds like there will be a lot going on.
Unknown said…
This week sounds great! I just hope that February will be just as good as January was for me.
Unknown said…
Sounds like three highly exciting days for us! I should do something crazy as long as wednesday lasts!
Unknown said…
I'm getting good vibes for whole year. Better go "plant the seeds"and se what good things come up.
Unknown said…
This was interesting to read.
Unknown said…
Looks like some promising things for these days.
Unknown said…
This was all rather interesting and always thought provoking.

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