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2014 Resolutions for Each Sign of the Zodiac

The year is heading to its end and its time to make some resolutions for the new year!

If you haven't thought of any yet or would like to accept the challenge of having yet another one, these are some ideas.

I'd suggest you look for your strongest sign instead of your sun sign!

Aries are known for being egocentric fighters who get things done. If you really want it, you could easily get any new years resolution done, because you have such a passion for succeeding and winning.
One thing to pay more attention to in 2014, though, would be being more aware of other people's needs.
Don't just focus on what you want and jump into realizing your visions head first.
Consider others more in 2014.

Taurus is stubborn. Stubborn like a bull. They hold onto traditions and habits because thats how they feel most comfortable and secure.
Habits are important in making new years resolutions last and implementing them long-term.
So Taureans can be succesful with their resolutions - if they want to.
In 2014, you should try to be more open-minded and try to look at things from new perspectives. Break your routine or try to understand other peoples points of views in arguments.
Be more open in 2014.

Gemini is a quick-witted signs. They need excitement all the time and they get bored easily. They pick up many pieces of information but never go into more detail and depth.
In the coming year, you should try to be more consistent with your interests or projects.
Do something, and stick with it! Creating habits, one small step at a time, is crucial here.
Don't go chasing after the next exciting thing immediately - stay with one thing!
Stick with something in 2014.

Cancer is a lot like the crab it is symbolized by. They have a shell build around them and they walk sidewards -shielding themselves from and avoiding emotional hurt. Just like the moon they are ruled by, they are quickly changing and their emotions run wild. You feel like you are to soft and sensitive for this world and all you want to do is go back into the protective womb of your mother.
Having emotional and caring Cancers in this world is very important, but you should try to face reality without letting everything get to your heart.
Be less sensitive in 2014.

Leo is the king of the zodiac like the lion is the king of the animals. Leo is ruled by the sun and it being the center of the solar system, the whole world literally revolves around them. They can't help feeling like everything is about them and like the attention of everyone should always be focused on them.
It's not a bad thing either - they shine bright and bring joy and warmth, just like the sunshine.
Sometimes, though, they have to learn to take themselves back and have others be the center of attention.
Be more modest in 2014.

Virgo is a very analytical sign. They scan their surroundings and find the most practical and sound solutions to problems. They are the inspectors, making sure everything is correct and in order.
Thats what can make them overly critical and judgemental. "How could you do that? Thats not right! This is how it should be!" Them being the virgin, they dont want anything being unpure or questionable.
They'd rather be prudes than not socially acceptable. Try being next reserved and taking your guards down a bit next year.
Be more carefree in 2014.

Libra is the sign that is most concentrated on others. They are the partnership sign. They love social interactions and relationships of all sorts. Libras strive to create harmony and balance and they are the fairest sign, considering everyone else's opinion.
They are the ones who say "I dont know, what do you want?" or "I cant decide, take whatever you think is best."
They want to handle everything in the most peaceful way possible, not offend anyone or ever act egoistically.
In the coming year, you should try to do more things just for the sake of you wanting to do it, not anyone else.
Be more decisive in 2014.

Scorpio is the most mysterious sign - that is because they are obsessed with power. They keep things to themselves, because they don't want to give as much from themselves away to others. If they hide their intentions, thoughts and feelings, they feel less vulnerable. They gain power through keeping their guards up. A lot of times, however, this idea of power is too overly important in a Scorpio's mind, though. Share yourself with others more.
Be less secretive in 2014.

Sagittarius is the optimistic, expansive sign that is always focused on adventure and learning. They love expanding their horizons and are always concentrated on the future - on that line on the horizon, what they are striving for. A sagittarius always knows exactly who they want to become, what they want to do and where they want to travel to in the future. Unfortunately, this living in their ideas of a great future often makes them forget about all the good things in the present. Try focusing more on what you already have in 2014 instead of always wanting to be more and wanting to do more and daydreaming about those things.
Be more present in 2014.

Capricorn is the sign of professionalism, career and seriousness. Stereotypically, all they care about is a career that makes them a lot of money and their good reputation. In reality, however, Capricorns are lovely, humorous people and sincerely good people. They just make themselves have a hard time by expecting so much of themselves. They create their own problems and make themselves suffer by always creating new mountains they have to climb. They are never content with what they have achieved - in their eyes, they are never good enough, they have never worked hard enough.
Be easier on yourself the coming year! You are so good to others, why not treat yourself the same?
Be your own best friend in 2014.

Aquarius is the rebellious sign. They are a friend to everyone, they are completely un-authoritarian and blame everything on "society". Consequently, they will often (not) do something, just for the sake of rebellion. They are great individualists and supporters of equality, so they never want to swim in the main stream and be their own person instead - and be accepted for it. This attitude, however, can turn into compulsiveness and they will do acts of rebellion just for the sake of not being "one of them".
But maybe not all things about "society" and the "mainstream" are bad, huh?
Be less detached in 2014.

Pisces is the last sign in the Zodiac, the most evolved one. Technically speaking, a Pisces in its purest form does not have to change anything, because they are the definition of ultimate transcendence and empathy. A pisces is what their surroundings are - they are almost psychic in their ability of picking up atmospheres, vibes, whatever you want to call it and they adapt to it. That's why you could say a Pisces is never one personality, they are always whatever the situation demands.
It is okay to be a bit more egoistic from time to time, though.
Be less influencable in 2014.

You may also want to check out last week's posts:

  1. The Ending of 2013 and Capricorn Ingress
  2. 2014 Lunar and Solar Eclipses
  3. Women of the Zodiac



Anonymous said…
Good advice for many people.
Nico said…
This is great to know, not only about yourself but about other people in your life as well.
Unknown said…
This was really great to read through. I think it's helpful for those who don't have a New Year's resolution yet and don't know what to pick!
penni d said…
So far this year I am being as carefree as possible, even before reading this article.2014 Rules!
Unknown said…
Looks like good advice to follow for each of the signs.
Unknown said…
I'm an Aries. It's good to have the confirmation that I can achieve my resolutions if I really want to. I'll get to work then. :)
Unknown said…
LOL, I'm a Gemini and this really describes me rather well!
Unknown said…
I'm already modest...not sure about getting more modest!
Unknown said…
This is for sure me I tend to put up my shell.
Unknown said…
Haha. Mine says to be less secretive. Not going to happen. Although, the rest of the description is fitting.

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