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What Wedding Flowers to Choose Based on Your Sign

Wedding season is quickly approaching -- which means wedding planning season is happening ... now! Decorative flowers are one of the most pleasurable parts of every wedding, with an array of shapes, forms, colors and aromas that create the perfect backdrop for a declaration of undying love. The only problem is, with such great variety, how do you select the right blooms? Look to the zodiac for answers!

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Radiant, enthusiastic and the very embodiment of the onset of spring, Aries brides and grooms like flowers that make bold statements! Daffodils certainly represent this fresh and vibrant Aries energy. Interesting, too, that the botanical name for these delicate flowers is "Narcissus." Like the mythological figure, Aries is very aware of the image he or she projects. Aries and this flower, which usually sprouts up before any other, think a lot alike: both push hard to make sure they're seen as soon as the snow melts, seemingly shouting out, "me first!"

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Traditional and earthy, Taurus will gravitate toward flowers that evoke passion and convention. The rose would be the classic choice, with its delicate petals and magnificent scent. Its stems are also strong and sturdy, just like Taurus. And, in tribute to Taurus' stubborn desire to stay put in one place, the mighty rose would thwart anyone's effort to move it without first removing the thorns. Roses are also very diverse and colorful, a symbol of the kind of wealth, status, passion and devotion that lurks in the soul of every Taurus.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Getting a Gemini to the altar isn't always easy, as the people born under this quick-thinking sign are known for their love of freedom. The least that can be done is to give Gemini feelings of comfort with at least two choices of flowers at the big event. Start with beautiful peonies, if possible, whose double-lobed leaves and delicately fragrant aroma represent Gemini's inborn duality and fresh outlook on life. Gemini might also select Andromeda, tiny bell-shaped flowers that grow wild and spread like crazy -- and whose name gives a nod to Gemini's "space-cadet" credentials.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Cancer will want to remember this wedding forever, so there had better be some serious stimulation for all of the senses! The most fragrant of flowers, the gardenia, would be a very beautiful choice. A bouquet or centerpieces exuding the seductive aroma of the tropics will definitely enamor and stimulate Cancer's receptors. Not only is the gardenia delicately beautiful, it opens and closes daily while in bloom, much like the Crab peeps in and out of that impenetrable shell.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
The showy Leo is going to need flowers that do the job of drawing attention and standing out, and none can do that better than the flamboyant ranunculus. Bold, colorful and sturdy, this unusual-looking bloom is also known as the "Persian Buttercup." Choose the orange and red varieties to remain true to Leo's solar heritage. If that's not enough to help Leo make a brassy floral statement, there is always the expressive sunflower! These strong, bright flowers certainly help to convey Leo's bright and fiery energy.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Virgo likes to make sure all the details are taken care of. This discerning sign is also known for having talent with tending to plants of all kinds. The hydrangea would be a wonderful way to express Virgo's multi-level manner of thinking. From a distance, these attractive blooms look like large balls of feathery color. Up close, one can note the delicacy of the petals and the intricate design -- flowers within a flower -- that will certainly earn Virgo's respect and admiration.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
In the average Libra's mind, balance and beauty can reach the level of compulsive obsession, and the wedding flowers will have to be, like Libra, "perfectly beautiful." This natural aesthete will love the calla lily, with its bloom's elegant lines supported by long, sturdy stems. The perfect floral complement to Libra's sense of style, calla lilies are so profoundly proportioned and graceful, it looks like they could have been created by one of Libra's favorite fashion designers!

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Scorpio wants to be the best at everything, so it would be natural for this intensely competitive soul to choose the gloriosa lily. Sexy and exotic, this provocative-looking flower has quite a lot in common with the average Scorpio! In the same sort of quest for excellence, gloriosas use tendrils at the ends of their leaves to climb over other plants and grab their fair share of sunshine . Like the Scorpion's sting, they can be toxic, but their beauty and elegance earn them a botanical name Scorpio just has to love: Gloriosa superba.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Sagittarius will search far and wide for adventure, and most have traveled at least part of the world -- if only through books, movies and travel websites. They are also lively, bright and vibrant -- much like the parrot tulip. Get a bunch of these flowers together, and it's hard not to think of "fun" -- the core of every typical Sagittarius' personality. It's also interesting to note that this flower, so often associated with Holland, is actually a world traveler of sorts. It is said to have originated in exotic places such as Iran and Kazakhstan -- names and places Sagittarius will love to at least think about and pronounce!

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
When Capricorn makes the march down the aisle, the atmosphere must be elegant and tasteful. Flowers will be more than a mere accoutrement; they must make the Capricorn statement: "I have arrived!" Rare and mesmerizing hellebores would certainly fit the bill. Known also as the "Christmas rose," this pricey posy blooms in winter -- Capricorn's season -- and satisfies this sign's high-end tastes. Its evergreen leaves allow it to stand out so that its cup-shaped blooms can be properly beheld. Hellebore's sobering effects were deployed in Greek mythology to release the daughters of Argos from a bout with madness -- a feat any Capricorn would be most proud of.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Every Aquarius makes the claim of being one of a kind, so the flowers that surround this strange bird's nuptial rites must reflect the spirit of the individual. As it happens, amaryllis would be the perfect bloom for this role, as there is only one species of this plant. Its coloration, usually white with crimson veins, makes it unique, as well. Because it also flowers at a different time from most other species, it's known also as "the naked lady."

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Delicate and desirous of as much moisture as possible, the orchid -- fragile, yet awe-inspiring in its beauty -- would be the appropriate flower to appear at a Pisces wedding. Like the acrobatic twin Fishes, the orchid displays the ultimate in flexibility. Its stems contain no fiber, and the plants are adaptable enough to grow from one stem or a series of adjacent shoots. It's hard to dispute, also, that orchids have an unearthly beauty that parallels Pisces' ethereal power of attraction and the appearance of having just been plucked from a dream world.



Madalina said…
"Naked Lady". I think it's beautiful and seductive at the same time.
Unknown said…
Interesting! I'd probably go for roses, seeing as they are my favourite due to their scent.
Unknown said…
I'm dating an orchid woman right now. She might be amazed if it goes that far and I choose the flowers. Brownie points.
penni d said…
My flower would be the Hydrangea and my hubby's is Calla Lilly. Next anniversary I shall try the two together for a fantastic arrangement.
Unknown said…
My flower is the Gloriosa Lily. I looked up pictures of this flower and they are beautiful!
Unknown said…
This is flower is peonies and I do not care for them at all! lol
Unknown said…
I would of never even thought of a flower going with your sign for your wedding.
Unknown said…
This is very interesting! Never heard of a Persian Buttercup.
Unknown said…
I love daffodils, so I guess this part suits me, as I'm an Aries. Good to know in case I ever get married.

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