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New Moon in Pisces and What It Means for You

The Pisces New Moon is on March 1st, at 3:00 am EDT, or 8:00 am GMT.
Pisces' ruler Neptune is also making waves, and is close enough in orb to amplify the dreamlike energies of the New Moon.
Keep it simple, with simple rituals. If you swim against the tide, you'll only exhaust yourself.  Being with the Muse, pottering, lollygagging and daydreaming is favored.
Miracle Grow
Let's look at Pisces and Neptune with fresh eyes, and the mood it creates in this moment in time.  Pisces is the very last sign of the Zodiac.  That makes Pisces season the Dark Moon of the solar cycle.  It's the rhythm of being suspended between two states of being.
Liminality is a word for the threshold, where the magic -- a change of form -- happens.  
Looking at the Pisces New Moon chart, there's the planet of leaps of faith, Jupiter, in an exact trine (harmony).  Jupiter is also in a water sign, Cancer, at 10 degrees.  Jupiter is known as the light-bringer, so spend time with what's full of Light for you.  
Since Jupiter is in Cancer, the sign that takes us home, to what feels emotionally nourishing, that's a way to spot he inspired path.  Your reservoir of feelings, memories and vivid impressions is a well to draw from.  What moves you? 
Mars in Play (Rx)
Mercury turns direct the day before (Feb 28th);  meanwhile, Mars begins its retrograde (March 1st to May 20th).  Mercury is in Aquarius, and will cross direct shadow degrees to March 21st, at 3 Pisces.  Be curious about what's in the air, but hold off on drawing final conclusions.
Have you heard about the Big One -- the cardinal grand cross on/around April 23rd?  Now that Mars is roving backwards, the players are coming into their cardinal corners.  The scene involves Uranus (Aries), Jupiter (Cancer), Mars (Libra) and Pluto (Capricorn).
I was considering this event, and the cardinal word initiating came to mind.  And I thought of the associated word -- Initiation.  These energies are already popping here and there, Mars will simply take it up a notch, with an urgent charge.
For example, Jupiter is square (provoking angle) to Uranus (Aries) -- exact on Feb 25th).  There can be dramatic events, that arouse extremely intense big feelings.  A tip is to seek ways to courageously move into new creative ground.  And you go far when you're acting on what moves you (Jupiter Cancer) and is an organic unfoldment from who you are deep down. 
Pisces-Neptune During the Initiation
There are many thresholds, for whole countries and for those going through epic personal changes.  This Pisces New Moon is a rest stop for the soul.  It's a space in-between, to see beyond the crises of the moment.
It's a chance to draw from the magic of the void, something that's needed to push through -- maybe it's not even something you can put into words. 
Pisces-Neptune takes us beyond the grind, to that knowing that there's more.  The atmosphere is comforting, because it's a scene where baggage is laid down, ties and cords cut, and the garb of old roles discarded. 
If you're in the middle of a big initiation, as many are, Pisces-Neptune encourages letting go, and experiencing the eternal self in any struggle. 
Pisces reminds you that :
  • We’re all connected in some mysterious way.
  • You have allies dropping hints to guide you.
  • The imagination is a place that can feel as real as “reality.
  • Your dreams are meaningful, and the dream dimension is a place.
  • Things are not always as they seem.
  • There is a lot of illusion and delusion in the world.
  • We all wear masks, but it’s not who we really are.
  • Life is fluid, and can be changed.
  • You don’t need to fear dying, since your spirit goes on to the next adventure.
The Luminaries in Pisces The Sun-Moon are at 11 degrees (rounded up) Pisces.  Being familiar with your inner terrain aids you when everything externally is so chaotic. Everything is changing, and it’s not going back to the way it was. We’re in totally unfamiliar ground. It’s easy to feel lost, to be despairing or hopeless, if you’re focusing on what’s dying or breaking down.
  • A rip in the matrix showing that “reality” is up for grabs.
  • People losing it in a public way.
  • Social programming starts to break down, bringing freedom and uncertainty.
  • Messages of compassion that wake people up.
  • More get flashes of genius.
  • Exciting technological breakthroughs for humanity.
Some ideas:
  • Read inspiring poems or sayings of wise spiritual leaders.
  • Learn to read Tarot cards or divine the moment in another way.
  • Ask for help when you need it, and then watch for signs.
  • Be specific in your prayers, about healing or releasing unconscious patterns.
  • Trust that the light will triumph over darkness.
  • Commit to shining your light, instead of “cursing the darkness.”
  • Ask for protection when you feel overrun with bad vibes.
  • Establish a ritual (like pulling a medicine card every day.)
  • Give yourself some quiet time.


Anonymous said…
Reading inspiring poems, now that's something I will certainly enjoy doing.
Unknown said…
Wonderful! My pisces friend has her birthday this week and we are celebrating together in a wonderful city. It's a good month so far.
penni d said…
I'm doing all but one of the ideas posted here. For me right now, things are good.
Anonymous said…
Being a Sun-sign Pisces, I've been feeling these Neptunian vibes coming for awhile. The watery, psychic, metaphysical realm is where I live all the time so it'll be nice to have others becoming more understanding about my usual sphere of influence...
Unknown said…
Give yourself some quiet time - I do this on a regular basis!
Unknown said…
While awaiting the magic I shall move forward to meet new ideas, new ways of doing things.
Nico said…
I should really do something that I enjoy, haven't been doing much but working lately.
Unknown said…
I'm very specific in my prayers when I say them.
Unknown said…
Learning to read tarot cards would be nice.

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