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August 2013 Astrology Overview

Chiron, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto occupy the central roles in the Astrology of August. Escaping its retrograde shadow on August 4th, Mercury is currently in direct motion. This represents a major shift in the energy, especially since Mercury will enter Leo right after, by August 8th. Up to this point – and continuing throughout the current month – it has been a powerful time for the Water, or feeling, element, three planets residing under this sign: Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, and Neptune in its own sign of Pisces. At the beginning of August, Jupiter leaves the trine with Saturn and Neptune, and comes into opposition with transformative Pluto. Then, by the time of the New Moon of August 6th, it enters into square with Uranus. This is configuration is a truly powerful one, marking a time of intuitional leaps and fresh beginnings in the realm of ideas and inventions. Another dose of the feeling element is brought in by the New Moon which strongly aspects Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Pisces.

Strongly activated at the moment, Jupiter in Cancer – the sign of its exaltation – makes potent aspects to Pluto and to Uranus as the month continues to unfold. Uranus, recently stationing to retrograde motion, is now even more powerful due to the fact that it is currently moving extremely slowly, as it goes backward through the middle decant of Aries. Engaged in this slow motion, Uranus is preparing to intersect with Pluto once again in the fall, on November 1st. Just like dramatically strange headlines continue to reinforce, the trickster archetype is alive and well, offering the chance for unexpected enlightenment in our own lives as well – events continue to conspire in creating the potential for mind-boggling epiphanies and for sparks of intuitional thinking.

The Saturn-Neptune trine that has greatly marked the month of July begins to fade now. However, its presence lingers, remaining as a background factor which symbolizes both grounded spirituality and an uncertainty with regard to outcomes. At the very beginning of August, a T-square to Saturn sets the tone for the maintenance of this interesting and ultimately educational dynamic. Neptune is also activated at the month's end, by opposition from the Sun at the time of the Last Quarter Moon which takes place on August 28th.

Another powerful configuration in this month's patterning is represented by the combination between Uranus and Pluto. As they begin to form again toward the next exact hit of their square aspect – the hallmark of this decade – they will come up once more in the fall for the fourth of seven times. Uranus’s and Neptune’s planetary aspect of revolutionary activity that manifests not only in our individual lives, but also in the life of the collective, is emphasized by Jupiter’s position in relation to these two planets: it begins the month of August in opposition to Pluto and ends in perfect square to Uranus.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is, paradoxically, the most exciting and daunting factor in this month's astrology, being triggered at the time of the August 6th New Moon. The Full Moon of August 20th is the next moment when Chiron is triggered, this time by a trine from Jupiter and an ongoing aspect from Uranus. Due to Venus’s position at the beginning of the month – it is in opposition to Chiron – past sentimental wounds could be triggered by relationship issues, especially in the early part of the month.

A strong pull to our unconscious mind and to the profound depths that lie within us was already present throughout this summer, in its configurations. The current astrological configuration gives us yet another chance to meditate upon our past wounds and how these early experiences influence our present circumstances. They may create patterns of stuck places that will not be healed unless we are willing to approach and solve these issues with compassion. Once we accept ourselves at these deeper levels, we will be able to replace automatic responses to life’s events with a calm and studied reaction to interpersonal issues, as they arise.


penni d said…
I love the aspects of tonight's new moon.
Nico said…
Always interesting and amazing how the planets affect us little beings on this planet.
Madalina said…
I love the idea of astrological circumstances contributing to improving intuitional thinking.
Unknown said…
A strong pull to our unconscious mind. I can see that. I feel myself 'day dreaming' more than what I used to do the last couple of days.
Unknown said…
It looks like we'll have to deal with some relationship hardships and past wounds. Hopefully, a more favorable period regarding feelings and relationships will come.
Unknown said…
I find it very interesting how the moon and the planets can have an affect on how we think and deal with things in life.
Unknown said…
Astrology is fascinating and it seems that this month is really putting the mind to work.
Unknown said…
im starting to find astrology as a very interesting topic going to read up some more on it

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