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Dreams About All My Teeth Falling Out

Question submitted by: Candi Nguyen- Sanfransico,CA

I dream sometimes about all my teeth falling out, like I would be talking to someone and they just fall out. What does that mean?

Answer By Joanna:
This dream means that you are holding in and blocking communication. You are holding inside your true thoughts and feelings in fear of offending someone. This kind of dream happens when a woman is in a love relationship and she is putting up with bad behavior from her mate. It represents feeling taken for granted and not sticking up for yourself. Until you stop feeling like a doormat or come to terms with accepting it, this dream will have the tendency to re-occur when you feel the most helpless.


Anonymous said…
Hello Joanna,

I found your articles interesting and informative about slot machines as I am from Australia I haven't seen many of them around at the Casinos only poker machines. The article that really grabbed my attention was about a lady writing in to you about her teeth falling out.
When I was a about 12 years old I dreamt for 3 consequtive nights that my teeth fell out and it made such an impression on me that in the morning when I had awoken I had to feel my mouth to see whether my teeth were there.

I finally had enough and told my mother about this dream. She turned as white as a sheet and then said to me whether I saw blood when the teeth fell out, I said no - no blood, her reaction was relief but she was concerned. She said that a friend or someone close to me would pass over soon. Three weeks later my Golden Cocker Spaniel was killed by a passing truck. I asked her what it meant by if my teeth had come out showing blood, her answer was that a relative or someone in the family would pass over soon. Strange as it may seem the moment I talked about this dream it did not occur again since.

here is my e-mail address:
Anonymous said…
dreams with falling teeth are bad omen in my culture and pre warns of death or accident in the family or known friend circle. it is to be waived thru deep prayer to God.

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