When looking at relationships between two people, a
conventional chart comparison (synastry) will seek out aspects between a planet
in a sign in one person's chart, and a planet in a sign in the other person's.
For example, the Moon in Cancer my chart might be in a 120
degrees apart trine aspect relationship with theMoon in Cancer in
your chart. This could suggest a nice cosy chummy emotional loving relationship
between us. But if our Moons were in different signs or a 90 degrees apart
square relationship, it could be a very different story because we
could fall out, get huffy, get hurt and misunderstand each other's feelings.
This is the conventional approach.
The Huber approach, using astrological psychology,
looks at the charts of both people in the relationship, but rather than
starting with the Zodiac Sign and the planets, we start with the Houses.
What we're looking for are any spatial relationships which might
exist between two people. And spatial relationships are important
because they are where we share the same physical spaces with each other. These
can be found in the 12 Houses of the chart; the houses are where we live
out our lives and express ourselves in the environment and the wider world
around us.
At its very simplest, using Click Horoscopes involves
looking at the two charts together and finding out if both people share any
planetary placements in the same house. For example, my 4th houseSaturn and
your 4th house Neptune would form a Click, but we might run into
difficulties because your lack of organisation and laissez-faire approach to
home and family life alongside my drive and need to be organised in this
area of life would probably drive us both rather crazy! So we'd have to
work things out between us and find a compromise, which is what relationship is
all about.
Planets which make Clicks symbolise areas of life where
we'll find things either easier, or more challenging, in a relationship. Two Sunsin
the same house/area of life expression could become a power struggle. Two Moons could
signify a lot of emotion, two Mercury'sendless chatter and an ongoing need
to get a word in edgeways or have the last word, and so on......and of course,
it's never as simple as this.
To get a really accurate understanding of how potential
clicks would manifest in a relationship, the position by both sign and house
have to be considered, and a comprehensive overview of how to use Clicks is
outlined in the current Book of the Month -
Astrolog 2: Family, Relationships & Health.
The contents of the book cover exactly what is said in the
title. Included in the book is a chapter on Clicks by Louise Huber, which
is recommended reading if you want to know more and try this technique out. The
chapter title - Relationship as a Developmental Process - Click
Horoscopes on Three Levels - gives an idea of the content and the
subject is covered in considerable depth.
Here's a basic example of some Clicks which gives
an idea of how this technique can be used - but a lot more detail than this is
required to give a reliable and valid assessment. I recommend you
read the book, and the boooklet on Clicks only available from the APA Bookshop.
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Chart A |
Both charts have Clicks between the transpersonal planets - Uranus,Neptune and Pluto. Uranus
and Pluto are in the 9th house in both charts, making a Click, but they are at
different positions by both sign and house, so this has to be considered, along
with Neptune in the 11th for both charts. Again, Neptune's position by sign and
house will offer fine tuning to the assessment of the relationship.
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Chart B |
Chart A's 1st house Moon Clicks with Chart B's 1st
house Sun.
Chart A's 2nd house Sun Clicks with Chart B's 2nd
house Moon.
What does this suggest to you about the relationship? I'd
like to hear your responses please....based on what you've read, do you think
they are a compatible couple?
Source: http://joycehopewell.blogspot.ro/2014/02/astrology-relationships-and-click.html