July’s astrology revolves around Mercury, Jupiter, Chiron,
Neptune, and Saturn. Throughout the month, Mercury is retrograde in Cancer, if
you also take into consideration the period of its retrograde shadow. Mercury’s
backward motion changes to direct motion on July 20th and it escapes its
retrograde shadow in early August. Some of the probable occurrences during this
period are the usual symptoms of missed connections and mechanical breakdowns,
along with the inner reflection – also a characteristic of this period – given
that our mental process runs backward. Introspection becomes all the more
important after realizing that paramount decisions and choices need to be made
if life is to continue in a relevant, valuable way. This summer is the
appropriate time to analyze core beliefs regarding where your life is taking
you – you may be amazed by what you can indeed accomplish once you reorient
yourself to soul purpose.
Probably the most important characteristic of these current
configurations is the trine alignment of long continuance between Saturn and
Neptune, which lasts the entire month. Having moved into Cancer, Jupiter forms
its own trine with each of these planets, thus creating a grand trine, the
strength of which increases throughout the first half of the month and peaks on
and after July 12th. The energy of Jupiter expands and becomes more prominent.
The presence of Saturn in Scorpio leads, paradoxically, to both a shutdown of
emotional connection and a concentration, an increased focus in this specific
area. This is when we stop and take the time to look and truly listen to what
our inner-self is saying – the same way farmers have to slow down the water
flow in order to allow it to really soak in the irrigation ditch. We should try
to stay clear of any and all preconceived ideas or agendas, while aiming to
simply be present.
In the Water sign of Pisces, Neptune is prominent as well,
almost in the exact trine to Saturn. Jupiter is in trine with each of those
planets during the first two thirds of July, through the Full Moon of the 22nd.
By the 16th, Mars gets involved, too, in this configuration, adding a more
intense burst of energy to the Saturn-Neptune trine. Neptune represents the
unknown, elusive part of our inner world, the part which transcends the
physical plane, the everyday impulse of getting and spending, and connects to higher
dimensions. Once you enter Neptune’s realm, belief has to be temporarily interrupted
up to a certain extent. This will allow you to get closer to understanding
yourself at the deeper emotional levels implied by the Water signs. One way you
can look at this grand trine, combined with Mercury Retrograde, is to see it as
a break from the usual course of events and fraught decision-making of these
climactic times, a rest from negative feelings such as angst; an energetic
encouragement for nowadays’ society to grow and evolve towards creating more
compassion-oriented connections.
The Wounded Healer, Chiron is also prominent in Pisces and
it represents another piece in the present cosmic arrangement of planetary
archetypes. At the moment of the New Moon, Chiron is aspected by both Venus and
Mercury after it stations for direct motion on the 20th. Just like Neptune, and
like the Water signs generally point to, Chiron represents the deeper,
unconscious levels of ourselves, and the aspects which our everyday minds are
inclined to disregard. Beneath the surface, old traumas may be hidden,
considering that we usually repress memories of inner childhood wounding, which
is too painful to be assimilated to conscious awareness at that time. The
prominence of Chiron and the inner orientation encouraged by this strong focus
on the Water element give us a chance to acknowledge and to accept these
suppressed parts of our being.
Bottom line, July’s powerful trine, which comprises Saturn
and Neptune, offers us the opportunity to rest and stay away from the usual
concerns and angst. The latter is due to the Uranus-Pluto square that is still
active and which – like it or not, and regardless of whether you are prepared
for it or not – will come back with yet another hit in the fall. The only thing
we can do is to keep going, one step at a time, trying to keep our
consciousness level as high as we can. Along the way, we benefit by the respite
from our quotidian labors and catching glimpses of our deep inner process.