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When You Should Get Your Birth Chart Done

Have you ever gotten your 'chart done'? In the field of astrology, a 'chart' is a representation that demonstrates the position of the planets, Sun and moon at a particular moment in time.
The position of each planet, its movement and relationship with other celestial bodies can give an astrologer insight as to the influences in play at that particular time. There are 5 times in life when you should consider having a chart drawn up.

When You Discover Astrology

Once you discover the field of astrology, it’s a worthwhile investment to get a natal chart done. Everyone’s chart is unique because a full chart deals with not just your birth date, but the specific minute and location of your birth.
Some people try to draw up their own natal charts using a website or book—and while this might give you an accurate plotting of the chart, only someone trained and experienced in astrology can truly interpret it. There is more to interpreting a chart than just reading a list of planetary influences— a reader needs to be aware of the numerous ways they interact.Through this chart, an astrologist can glean insight into the internal and external influences that have shaped your life, as well as give you foreknowledge of future influences by telling you how planetary alignments in the future may affect you and certain aspects of your life.

When You’re Getting Married

Believe it or not, charts are not just done for individuals. Each person should have an individual natal chart drawn up (if they've not had one already) and have them compared. This can determine any compatibility issues that might be a challenge, as well as the couple's strengths. It can also help the couple with planning their future, including the wedding date.
Another chart can be drawn up for a marriage using the wedding date. This is known as a wedding chart. The ideal time for this chart would be before the actual wedding, but couples who are already married can get one drawn up as well. They may actually find it very eye opening and experience a lot of "aha" moments, as the influences in their relationship are revealed.
Marriage charts can make a great wedding present as well. One way to do this is to have a marriage chart drawn up so you can present it to the couple—it can include an analysis, or they can take the chart to an astrologer for a personal interpretation. Another alternative give the couple a certificate for a pre-paid session with a qualified astrologer.

When You’re Have a Baby

One ‘to do’ on every parent’s list should be to have a birth chart made up for each new child that you welcome into the world. A natal chart can alleviate a lot of the ‘guess work’ when it comes to parenting because it can help prepare you to deal with your child’s personal nature, and assess the best way to nurture that child.
It’s important to have the vital details of the day, minute and location of birth, so if you’re adopting you should try to procure this information. This is another great gift idea for new parents.

When You’re Starting a New Career or Business

Believe it or not, charts are not just for people. They can be for businesses, too. The timing for starting a business can determine a lot in the kinds of ups and downs it may face. An astrological forecast can tell you things like what business investments would be most sound, when would be the most effective time to court clients or run ad campaigns, what kind of obstacles a business might face and the challenges that leaders may face in working together.


Madalina said…
It looks like I should have gotten my chart done twice already. It's never too late.
Nico said…
This probably a good time to get the chart done for me as I want to start a new business.
penni d said…
Could have prevented some painful mistakes in the past by having chart done.
Unknown said…
These charts are very interesting, I would like to know more about my own natal chart!
Unknown said…
Uh oh! I am way overdue to get my chart done!
Unknown said…
I have missed several chances to get mine done but have a couple that can cause me to get it done now.
Unknown said…
It appears that it's about time for me to have my chart done.
Unknown said…
Now I'm very curious about my natal chart. I think I should have had it done at least twice until now.
Unknown said…
Now I am going to look into these charts. One for myself and another for my daughter

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