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A Difficult New Moon

The New Moon will take place midnight Sunday on the west coast and early Monday morning on the east coast and Europe. This phenomenon happens in the middle of both sensitive Cancer and of the Mercury Retrograde period, coming along at one extreme peak of the entire Mercury Retrograde – during this lunation, the Sun and Moon are in conjunction with Mercury, moving backwards through Cancer, accompanied by the grand trine of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune in Water signs, while Saturn stations to direct motion.

The Mercury Retrograde is intensified by the station direct of Saturn – an extremely significant event – especially since it takes place a mere two hours before the New Moon. This station is the reason why the trine between Saturn and Neptune lasts so long, only one half of a degree of exact trine since the beginning of June being between the two planets, closeness which lasts all the way through to the end of July. Saturn and Neptune are responsible for two rather contradictory influences on our day-to-day lives: on one hand, they bring grounding to our dreams and schemes, and on the other, our meticulous concrete planning is marked by fuzziness and overly imaginative thinking.

The above-mentioned factors are likely to stretch over a long period of time, not only as long as the Mercury retrograde will last – from late June to July 20th –, but also for two more weeks after this planet’s three weeks of backward motion. The emphasis on Saturn, together with the specific frustration of the Mercury Retrograde period, leads to a slightly increased degree of difficulty when it comes to making our plans materialize.

During this period, through July to past its middle, the grand water trine is particularly active. Jupiter is only a few degrees off the trine in relation to Saturn and to Neptune, and closing. As the strong Water emphasis symbolizes, this will impact our own perception and understanding of ourselves on a deeper level, and it may possibly lead to loss of faith in what we considered the foundation on which we could rely.

However, there is also a positive aspect represented by the probability of putting our faith in the largely unseen and – on a conscious level at least – in the unknown elements which are part of the bigger picture of our lives, hidden in the very depths of our souls and minds. This symbolism is also reflected by the collective, as secrets are uncovered. Take the NSA wiretapping scandal, for example, in which confusion as to what both the government’s and the (maybe idealistic) whistleblower’s motives were (Saturn) and deception (also Neptune) are brought together, potentially involved at either end of the equation.


Madalina said…
Referring to the unseen elements, it's a good thing that during this period we get in touch with ourselves on a deeper level. In general, we live on fast-forward and only rarely do we pay any attention to the spiritual, unseen side of our lives.
penni d said…
Made me dizzy just thinking of all the implications of actions done during the time period. Just go slow, think much, act accordingly.
Unknown said…
It really sounds like a difficult period, but I think the best part is that we get to know ourselves better. And that is never easy.
Unknown said…
Getting in touch with our spiritual side is always a good thing to do.
Unknown said…
I always try to know what's going on with my horoscope and so it seems like I am going to be looking at myself in a deeper light and in a more spiritual way.
Unknown said…
I like that the reference to what could happen is the ordeal with the NSA and Snowden.
Nico said…
This affects me I guess I am cancer. Although I haven't had that much trouble yet materialising my plans.
Unknown said…
Thank the stars I don't have secrets to uncover. We have had too many secrets for far too long within those that govern. Hope some more of Those might come out.

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