You are on the roller coaster still, Aries, but with more
downs than ups. This month continues the somewhat
strange practice that has becomes a trend with you lately
of inner rather than outer work. You are seeing your future
coming toward you now and it is quite a different one than
you would have recently supposed. Perhaps you are
taking better and more serious account in your life of the
presence of the difficult and dangerous further reaches of
your unconscious hopes and desires. There are surprises
lurking there, and miraculous enlightenment, and the
belated recognition of the largest part of yourself, which
underlies and informs all the rest.
As the month begins, you are centered on partnership of
all kinds, both business and personal. This occurs at the
expense of any career options that you might have that
depend on going it alone, since the focus on others is
strong for you right now, even including the presence of a
spiritual other represented by the Universe or your Higher
Self. You are transforming, slowly, in your work in the world
and how you put yourself out onto the public stage, and it
is beginning to show. The changes in this area come faster
and more furious in the current monthly timeframe and
may concern the way that you handle partnership and
integrate the viewpoint of others into your own. Plans for
the future are also really up for you right now, and involve
a sense of your inner process as well as more usual ideas
regarding mundane achievement.
Taurus Horoscope (April 20 - May 20)
Fixed Earth. Your ruling planet is Venus.
You are launching out in many new directions, Taurus.
This is among other things the fruit of a changing and
more inclusive worldview that has been emerging within
your soul lately to challenge prevailing wisdom, and with
amazingly positive results. This is a season of contrasts,
whereby what used to work for you no longer does work,
and what was formerly disregarded becomes the winning
formula. Whatever comes forth from your own deep center
will prosper for you right now. Keeping your awareness
level high is crucial, and leads you directly into an
unfolding future based on inner rather than outer reality.
As the month begins, you are very much present in the
world of career and accomplishment, solidifying your
methodology in this area. It is an interesting period that
you face now, coming out of a time of dreaming a greater
reality for yourself into being, and taking simultaneously a
super-spiritual and also an extremely practical approach
toward your work in the world. You are strong on service to
others at this time, as you enthusiastically plan for a future
of your own devising, independent of outmoded thought
forms and consensus attitudes. It is a strange amalgam of
concepts and energies that you face, as you reconcile
ancient beliefs that may weigh you down versus an idealist
vision of the future, and also deal with the potential self-
deception of an over-commitment to idealism. You are also
settling into a new conception of home, family and
Gemini Horoscope (May 21 - June 20)
Mutable Air. Your ruling planet is Mercury.
These first few weeks of the New Year have constituted a
difficult time of readjustment for you, Gemini, but you are
emerging from the woods. As you come out of your shell
you are bringing with you traces of time spent in the
relatively quiet and underworld places that you have been
visiting, and embodying a softer and more informed
viewpoint than before. Your footing in the world is solidified
and made more substantive by the wisdom that you have
gleaned over the fallow period just ending. As a result you
will find yourself more flexible and more fully able to cope
with the changes and challenges of these times that are
still very much part of your present reality.
As the month begins, you are moving forward in a new
way. This month and next are pivotal for you, in the midst
of a pivotal year. You are slated for personal
transformation and the only question is how far you will go
in the direction of fulfilling your fondest dreams. As usual it
is an issue of how much you dare to allow yourself to
believe in yourself. The Last Quarter, might have a thing
or two to say about where you are going right now, and
why, as you engage in a process of summing up the past
three weeks since the Solar Eclipse of mid-January. There
could be some degree of tension in your process of
understanding yourself at deeper rather than more
superficial levels.
Cancer Horoscope (June 21 - July 22)
Cardinal Water. Your ruling planet is The Moon.
You are slowly climbing the ladder of your destiny, Cancer.
The starkness and austerity of the season is bringing you
unexpected riches in terms of growth in both inner and
outer realms, and the inner is emphasized. You have been
developing a sense of balance between significant life
partners and yourself, whereby you acknowledge the
power of others to help you to transform, but equally
recognize that it is your own isolated road that you must
travel in your search for wholeness. In this current cycle
you are a powerful warrior for your cause as you embrace
a nebulous and yet fulfilling point of view, intent on
changing the way that relationship in your life works both
against you and for you.
As the month begins, you are somewhat conflicted, startled
by the clarity of your observations leading you into an
uncertain but exciting future, and yet pulling back from fully
acting on the novel impulses that thus arise. Something
deep inside you is leading you on to further transformation
and it is a compassionate sense of oneness with your
process that is your best and surest guide forward. When
you take a good hard look it's really not even a question. It
simply becomes the classic no-brainer to choose to
abandon old and habitual patterns that only hold you back
from your fullest life expression. But that doesn't make it
easy. With the New Moon comes greater energy for
making necessary changes in your life. You are being
gently nudged in the direction that soul purpose dictates
and it involves taking on a new concept of the role that
significant partners play in your life and also embracing
newly reworked definitions of security.
Leo Horoscope (July 23 - August 22)
Fixed Fire. Your ruling planet is The Sun.
You are reveling in the complexities of partnership right
now, Leo. As you settle into the paradoxical
inconsistencies and learn to love them rather than to be
annoyed, you begin to get a glimpse of the divine in
everyday life which is one of your themes for the coming
year. A service orientation prevails within your heart and
mind for at least the first six months of this new decade
and this currently leads you to powerful presences within
you as well as outside of you. The relationship epiphanies
keep on coming, and as they do they lead you to written
and communicative interaction that is a powerful medium
for the expression of depth-realities more profound and
more serious than anything you have previously
As the month begins, you are taking a serious look at life,
love and partnership. You are busy putting your energies
into service to your highest purpose for yourself. Like
Diogenes lifting his lamp, you are searching for the truth of
what you are truly meant to accomplish in this world, only
your lamp is based as much on heart as on mind. You are
making significant headway with your life at this time, and
also finally getting to the point of admitting compassionate
partnership into it as an important part of your own way
forward. With the Last Quarter Moon, you are assessing
the validity of everything that has gone before – over the
three weeks since the time of the mid-January Solar
Eclipse in your sector of your discipleship to your higher
self. There could be a modicum of tension in the mix of
energies as you sort things out. You have been
reinventing yourself to some extent over this entire period,
during the opening two months of this new year and
Virgo Horoscope (August 23 - September 22)
Mutable Earth. Your ruling planet is Mercury.
Your personal creativity is high right now, Virgo. You are in
the middle of a thorough-going transformation of self which
only increases in pace as the year unfolds. This month
your focus shifts to transcending previous boundaries of
what you thought was possible in terms of ultimate service
to your fellow beings and to the personal mission that you
feel inside and have been honing lately. Mystic madness
pervades your everyday activities and steers you toward
the spiritual rather than the merely mundane solution. This
may confuse your habitual reactions and your rational
understanding of what is going on, but it makes perfect
sense to your higher self which is quietly watching it all and
waiting for you to continue making the right moves.
As the month begins, you are feeling your way forward into
a fresh self-concept with the help of revelations that seem
to come to you through the medium of partnership
interaction. Of course in some sense you are yourself
directly responsible for everything that happens to you
even the results of encounters with significant others, or
perhaps it is the universe bestowing its blessings upon
you, or maybe these twin concepts are one and the same.
The Last Quarter Moon could serve to clarify or perhaps
give voice to your feelings surrounding this issue. There
could be surprises and some degree of tension in the
midst of what is an essentially peaceful process of
incorporating the viewpoints of others into your own. You
are finding that the everyday life of the mind, and of
service to others, yields a rich bounty these days in terms
of depth connection to the All that Is. As the sage is
reported to have observed to the neophyte when asked for
the secret to enlightenment, if you have eaten your rice,
why then wash your bowl. It is in the ordinary that your
salvation lies right now. In this same sector of day-to-day
existence, which is called the discipleship to your highest
intention for yourself, going forward. You are being guided
to a way of life that is more consistent with your own inner
values, partly through the agency of helpful partners.
Libra Horoscope (September 23 - October 22)
Cardinal Air. Your ruling planet is Venus.
You are being rocked to your very foundations, Libra.
Personal transformation is at the heart of your story, but it
is a slow-cooking rather than a more cataclysmic change
that you are putting yourself through right now. There is
more than a little confusion in the mix for you this month as
well, as dawning spiritual realities contrast with a more
hard-nosed view. It is difficult to let go of Fixed agendas;
however the truth might emerge from a process that seems
to be more like aimless wandering. Your task at the
moment is to watch and wait, and to observe yourself
arriving at exactly the right place for you to be, and at
exactly the right time, without being at all sure how you got
As the month begins, you are completing a journey down
to your depths and back up again that you began last
month, with mild disputes in your home and family sector.
This is a time of finding and redefining yourself in the midst
of process of extreme transformation. The changes that
you are in the midst of right now will be less severe if you
have been doing your spiritual homework, otherwise more
so. You are in the midst of a very magical time right now,
when you can experience extremes of both gifts and
limitations, as you explore your sense of presence in the
world. Theres is now a time of seeding wisdom from the
accumulated experience of the three weeks that preceded
it, you will also likely feel the excitement of voyaging into
hitherto unknown realms of thought. You are being
pinched at this time by circumstance and might feel a
degree of tension in your process of unaccustomed growth
toward the infinite possibilities of the human situation. You
are also feeling in another way the joy of loosening your
boundaries, when suddenly the unsought-after turn in the
road appears before you and you take it.
Scorpio Horoscope (October 23 - November 21)
Fixed Water. Your ruling planets are Mars and Pluto.
This is not smooth sailing, Scorpio, but it is an important
voyage that you are on nonetheless. For you right now
things are interesting to an extreme, and full of hopeful
creativity as well as powerful transformation that comes
upon you from the inside out. Your ruler Mars is slowing to
a standstill in your career sector, accompanying a
perceived sluggishness in outer-world accomplishment of
all kinds. There could also be underlying confusion that
never seems to end, and a feeling of loss regarding
rational reasons for what is taking place. In compensation,
there are the realizations that keep coming and that you
cannot keep from putting down in words, either in depth
communication or in personal journaling, and these are
vital for your continued development.
As the month begins, you are coming into yourself in a new
way through plumbing your depths in some fashion. This is
not unusual for you of course, but this particular inner
journey is definitely becoming a larger and larger part of
your reality, and your communication with others around
you reveals the intensity of your exploration. The days
surrounding this juncture are climactic for you, as you look
more closely into where you are at right now and how far
you have yet to go to accomplish your most deeply
cherished goals and objectives. Your dreams are only
partially centered in the mundane concerns of making a
living and achieving outer world aims. Instead you are
more fully centered on a series of emotional developments
that are taking place beneath the surface, within the scope
of home and family concerns and those of your root
psychological process.
Sagittarius Horoscope (November 22 - December 21)
Mutable Fire. Your ruling planet is Jupiter.
Your future is appearing before you in frozen, almost
crystallized form, Sagittarius. You can see it and even
taste it but it seems less than fully reachable right now.
You are more serious than ever about where you are
headed these days, and how to more successfully plug
yourself in, although the outcome remains elusive. You are
feeling your way through to the sense of mission that
defines your identity in a more profound way. Homey
concerns call to you, influencing your decisions and even
your values. When you stop and look, or better yet journal,
the shift is profound and yet is based on a spiritual
commitment to effect change through the medium of
everyday life.
As the month begins, you are exploring facets of your
outer-world path as an indication of inner resonance.
Everything that you do reflects every other aspect of your
being in the world, so that there is not as much separation
between inner and outer as consensus thinking might
conclude. You are making a determined stab right now to
redefine where you might be heading in your life, and in so
doing take as your starting point a firm sense of the
natural and characteristic restrictions imposed by your
circumstances. This aids you in establishing a more direct
sense of earth wisdom and emotional steadiness to go with
your current flair of airy idealism. You are at this time
summing up conclusions regarding the past three weeks of
the lunar cycle, which was kicked off by the mid-January
Solar Eclipse in your values sector. The New Moon of the
following weekend, taking place on Saturday, February
13th, brings fresh energy into the picture, and the urge to
communicate your deepest truth to others around you.
This is a time of taking new perspectives into the mix of
energies that surround you as your inner vision for
yourself keeps expanding.
Capricorn Horoscope (December 22 - January 19)
Cardinal Earth. Your ruling planet is Saturn.
Your ship of state has lost its rudder but not its compass,
Capricorn. While you are shining in terms of outer world
pursuits right now, some degree of conflict remains within
your own inner world. In this current monthly time frame a
difficult passage is coming to an illogical conclusion, but
one that brings you peace of mind. You must accept it that
your sailing vessel has left its port of origin, never to
return, and that while within hailing distance of another,
farther, shore is still very much at sea. The good news is
that the life changes that you are in the midst of are
conducive to your continued well-being, and in the long
run, even necessary to it.
As the month begins, you are straddling two worlds. While
very much inhabiting the outer world of your achievement
you are tuned also to the inner realities that have
accompanied your recent massive transformation. You are
being guided to thoroughly investigate your depths as a
part of your journey into wholeness, and it is more than
possible that there will be some suffering that you will
encounter along the way as the new alignment you are
groping for begins to settle into place. These are more
constructively considered as growing pains for the new self
that you are in the process of birthing. The first week of
the month represents an excellent time for you to take
stock. Things have been going well for you in terms of
accomplishment and your visibility on the public stage,
although your usual added ingredient of hard work has
also been involved. You may have been experiencing a
conflict deep within that can only be resolved by letting go
of a cherished part of the concepts by which you normally
steer yourself.
Aquarius Horoscope (January 20 - February 18)
Fixed Air. Your ruling planets are Uranus and Saturn.
Magic and mystery meet up with ordinary reality now,
Aquarius, to lend positive and also more elusive vibes.
Your inner dream worlds have been very active lately, and
continue to strongly inform your sense of what is going on,
while your outer presentation partakes of the infinite.
Finances are lucky for you now, and gifts of the psyche
come into the picture of a rich new beginning to the year
and decade. Even as you more fully inhabit the outer world
of people and events and form new connections socially,
it's also easy to get confused and feel trapped in a prison
of your own making. The truth is that outer and inner are
but two sides of the same coin and that your journey right
now partakes of both.
As the month begins, you are kicking it into high gear with
your outer world presence, even though a part of you
remains detached and more fully involved in mystical
matters beneath the level of your conscious awareness.
You are very focused in terms of achievement, and may
encounter some degree of tension in your process
because of it. You are summing up the lessons of the past
year in your sector of dream imagination, and these are
essentially spiritual lessons. The deep-level transformation
of your beliefs and values is at the heart of your
experience right now. You are enjoying a fresh burst of
energy for both inner and outer pursuits. This is a
supreme moment of individual and personal evolution that
is taking you to places that you never thought that you
would ever reach, places that are normally not accessible
to your everyday awareness and understanding. It is
possible that areas of trauma will come up for you at this
time that you have not consciously considered. These
residues of early involvement with difficult situations have
perhaps become lodged in your body and in your
subterranean depths without recognition. These walled-off
toxic emotional knots can reach out to trouble you without
you being really aware of how they got there or what can
be done to ease their pain.
Pisces Horoscope (February 19 - March 20)
Mutable Water. Your ruling planets are Neptune and
This is a season of magical possibilities for you, Pisces.
There are worlds within worlds within you, and then there is
the surface field of life that goes on all around you, and
you have a foot in each camp right now. Dream realities
can be powerful too, as you well know, being something of
a specialist. Conception precedes physical manifestation.
This is a time of jelling transformation, of concretizing your
wildest dreams for yourself going forward, as you
reconsider fundamental agendas. There is a necessary
integration that you are seeking and it comes a bit closer
by month's end, when relationship in your life sizzles and
when partners help you to prepare for greatness.
As the month begins, you are enjoying life to the fullest as
you engage in meaningful activity that takes you closer to
commitment both with intimate partners in your life and
also with respect to your own sense of ongoing evolution.
This is a lucky and socially engaged period for you, since
your co-ruler Jupiter recently entered into your identity
sector. It isn't only the gold of outer circumstance that
glitters for you now, however. You are spending much of
your time these days dwelling in the misty spaces behind
and beyond your conscious mind, and reaping the rewards
of meditative inner connectivity. This represents a
thoughtful time of reassessment, when you might come to
value even more the vast and yeasty silence that
engenders all things. As the sage says, the universe like a
bellows is always emptying, always full. This is a time of
summing up what the past year has shown you as you
dared to dream fresh dreams based on the keystone of
your inner experience. This year powerful for you and
connects your sense of identity with the deeper inner
worlds within you. You are pursuing at this time the
shamanic path of connection with other-dimensional reality
that partakes of many layers, only one of which is what is
termed the normal world of everyday affairs that goes on
all around you. Intimate connection with others is not a part
of this scenario, which is more about your own connection
to the divine within you, but yet is also an important part of
what is happening to you right now, a layer unto itself that
mingles with and informs the others. You are feeling the
delight of partnership connection and with your own
process as well, that partakes of the mystical inner as well
as the joyous outer world.
You are on the roller coaster still, Aries, but with more
downs than ups. This month continues the somewhat
strange practice that has becomes a trend with you lately
of inner rather than outer work. You are seeing your future
coming toward you now and it is quite a different one than
you would have recently supposed. Perhaps you are
taking better and more serious account in your life of the
presence of the difficult and dangerous further reaches of
your unconscious hopes and desires. There are surprises
lurking there, and miraculous enlightenment, and the
belated recognition of the largest part of yourself, which
underlies and informs all the rest.
As the month begins, you are centered on partnership of
all kinds, both business and personal. This occurs at the
expense of any career options that you might have that
depend on going it alone, since the focus on others is
strong for you right now, even including the presence of a
spiritual other represented by the Universe or your Higher
Self. You are transforming, slowly, in your work in the world
and how you put yourself out onto the public stage, and it
is beginning to show. The changes in this area come faster
and more furious in the current monthly timeframe and
may concern the way that you handle partnership and
integrate the viewpoint of others into your own. Plans for
the future are also really up for you right now, and involve
a sense of your inner process as well as more usual ideas
regarding mundane achievement.
Taurus Horoscope (April 20 - May 20)
Fixed Earth. Your ruling planet is Venus.
You are launching out in many new directions, Taurus.
This is among other things the fruit of a changing and
more inclusive worldview that has been emerging within
your soul lately to challenge prevailing wisdom, and with
amazingly positive results. This is a season of contrasts,
whereby what used to work for you no longer does work,
and what was formerly disregarded becomes the winning
formula. Whatever comes forth from your own deep center
will prosper for you right now. Keeping your awareness
level high is crucial, and leads you directly into an
unfolding future based on inner rather than outer reality.
As the month begins, you are very much present in the
world of career and accomplishment, solidifying your
methodology in this area. It is an interesting period that
you face now, coming out of a time of dreaming a greater
reality for yourself into being, and taking simultaneously a
super-spiritual and also an extremely practical approach
toward your work in the world. You are strong on service to
others at this time, as you enthusiastically plan for a future
of your own devising, independent of outmoded thought
forms and consensus attitudes. It is a strange amalgam of
concepts and energies that you face, as you reconcile
ancient beliefs that may weigh you down versus an idealist
vision of the future, and also deal with the potential self-
deception of an over-commitment to idealism. You are also
settling into a new conception of home, family and
Gemini Horoscope (May 21 - June 20)
Mutable Air. Your ruling planet is Mercury.
These first few weeks of the New Year have constituted a
difficult time of readjustment for you, Gemini, but you are
emerging from the woods. As you come out of your shell
you are bringing with you traces of time spent in the
relatively quiet and underworld places that you have been
visiting, and embodying a softer and more informed
viewpoint than before. Your footing in the world is solidified
and made more substantive by the wisdom that you have
gleaned over the fallow period just ending. As a result you
will find yourself more flexible and more fully able to cope
with the changes and challenges of these times that are
still very much part of your present reality.
As the month begins, you are moving forward in a new
way. This month and next are pivotal for you, in the midst
of a pivotal year. You are slated for personal
transformation and the only question is how far you will go
in the direction of fulfilling your fondest dreams. As usual it
is an issue of how much you dare to allow yourself to
believe in yourself. The Last Quarter, might have a thing
or two to say about where you are going right now, and
why, as you engage in a process of summing up the past
three weeks since the Solar Eclipse of mid-January. There
could be some degree of tension in your process of
understanding yourself at deeper rather than more
superficial levels.
Cancer Horoscope (June 21 - July 22)
Cardinal Water. Your ruling planet is The Moon.
You are slowly climbing the ladder of your destiny, Cancer.
The starkness and austerity of the season is bringing you
unexpected riches in terms of growth in both inner and
outer realms, and the inner is emphasized. You have been
developing a sense of balance between significant life
partners and yourself, whereby you acknowledge the
power of others to help you to transform, but equally
recognize that it is your own isolated road that you must
travel in your search for wholeness. In this current cycle
you are a powerful warrior for your cause as you embrace
a nebulous and yet fulfilling point of view, intent on
changing the way that relationship in your life works both
against you and for you.
As the month begins, you are somewhat conflicted, startled
by the clarity of your observations leading you into an
uncertain but exciting future, and yet pulling back from fully
acting on the novel impulses that thus arise. Something
deep inside you is leading you on to further transformation
and it is a compassionate sense of oneness with your
process that is your best and surest guide forward. When
you take a good hard look it's really not even a question. It
simply becomes the classic no-brainer to choose to
abandon old and habitual patterns that only hold you back
from your fullest life expression. But that doesn't make it
easy. With the New Moon comes greater energy for
making necessary changes in your life. You are being
gently nudged in the direction that soul purpose dictates
and it involves taking on a new concept of the role that
significant partners play in your life and also embracing
newly reworked definitions of security.
Leo Horoscope (July 23 - August 22)
Fixed Fire. Your ruling planet is The Sun.
You are reveling in the complexities of partnership right
now, Leo. As you settle into the paradoxical
inconsistencies and learn to love them rather than to be
annoyed, you begin to get a glimpse of the divine in
everyday life which is one of your themes for the coming
year. A service orientation prevails within your heart and
mind for at least the first six months of this new decade
and this currently leads you to powerful presences within
you as well as outside of you. The relationship epiphanies
keep on coming, and as they do they lead you to written
and communicative interaction that is a powerful medium
for the expression of depth-realities more profound and
more serious than anything you have previously
As the month begins, you are taking a serious look at life,
love and partnership. You are busy putting your energies
into service to your highest purpose for yourself. Like
Diogenes lifting his lamp, you are searching for the truth of
what you are truly meant to accomplish in this world, only
your lamp is based as much on heart as on mind. You are
making significant headway with your life at this time, and
also finally getting to the point of admitting compassionate
partnership into it as an important part of your own way
forward. With the Last Quarter Moon, you are assessing
the validity of everything that has gone before – over the
three weeks since the time of the mid-January Solar
Eclipse in your sector of your discipleship to your higher
self. There could be a modicum of tension in the mix of
energies as you sort things out. You have been
reinventing yourself to some extent over this entire period,
during the opening two months of this new year and
Virgo Horoscope (August 23 - September 22)
Mutable Earth. Your ruling planet is Mercury.
Your personal creativity is high right now, Virgo. You are in
the middle of a thorough-going transformation of self which
only increases in pace as the year unfolds. This month
your focus shifts to transcending previous boundaries of
what you thought was possible in terms of ultimate service
to your fellow beings and to the personal mission that you
feel inside and have been honing lately. Mystic madness
pervades your everyday activities and steers you toward
the spiritual rather than the merely mundane solution. This
may confuse your habitual reactions and your rational
understanding of what is going on, but it makes perfect
sense to your higher self which is quietly watching it all and
waiting for you to continue making the right moves.
As the month begins, you are feeling your way forward into
a fresh self-concept with the help of revelations that seem
to come to you through the medium of partnership
interaction. Of course in some sense you are yourself
directly responsible for everything that happens to you
even the results of encounters with significant others, or
perhaps it is the universe bestowing its blessings upon
you, or maybe these twin concepts are one and the same.
The Last Quarter Moon could serve to clarify or perhaps
give voice to your feelings surrounding this issue. There
could be surprises and some degree of tension in the
midst of what is an essentially peaceful process of
incorporating the viewpoints of others into your own. You
are finding that the everyday life of the mind, and of
service to others, yields a rich bounty these days in terms
of depth connection to the All that Is. As the sage is
reported to have observed to the neophyte when asked for
the secret to enlightenment, if you have eaten your rice,
why then wash your bowl. It is in the ordinary that your
salvation lies right now. In this same sector of day-to-day
existence, which is called the discipleship to your highest
intention for yourself, going forward. You are being guided
to a way of life that is more consistent with your own inner
values, partly through the agency of helpful partners.
Libra Horoscope (September 23 - October 22)
Cardinal Air. Your ruling planet is Venus.
You are being rocked to your very foundations, Libra.
Personal transformation is at the heart of your story, but it
is a slow-cooking rather than a more cataclysmic change
that you are putting yourself through right now. There is
more than a little confusion in the mix for you this month as
well, as dawning spiritual realities contrast with a more
hard-nosed view. It is difficult to let go of Fixed agendas;
however the truth might emerge from a process that seems
to be more like aimless wandering. Your task at the
moment is to watch and wait, and to observe yourself
arriving at exactly the right place for you to be, and at
exactly the right time, without being at all sure how you got
As the month begins, you are completing a journey down
to your depths and back up again that you began last
month, with mild disputes in your home and family sector.
This is a time of finding and redefining yourself in the midst
of process of extreme transformation. The changes that
you are in the midst of right now will be less severe if you
have been doing your spiritual homework, otherwise more
so. You are in the midst of a very magical time right now,
when you can experience extremes of both gifts and
limitations, as you explore your sense of presence in the
world. Theres is now a time of seeding wisdom from the
accumulated experience of the three weeks that preceded
it, you will also likely feel the excitement of voyaging into
hitherto unknown realms of thought. You are being
pinched at this time by circumstance and might feel a
degree of tension in your process of unaccustomed growth
toward the infinite possibilities of the human situation. You
are also feeling in another way the joy of loosening your
boundaries, when suddenly the unsought-after turn in the
road appears before you and you take it.
Scorpio Horoscope (October 23 - November 21)
Fixed Water. Your ruling planets are Mars and Pluto.
This is not smooth sailing, Scorpio, but it is an important
voyage that you are on nonetheless. For you right now
things are interesting to an extreme, and full of hopeful
creativity as well as powerful transformation that comes
upon you from the inside out. Your ruler Mars is slowing to
a standstill in your career sector, accompanying a
perceived sluggishness in outer-world accomplishment of
all kinds. There could also be underlying confusion that
never seems to end, and a feeling of loss regarding
rational reasons for what is taking place. In compensation,
there are the realizations that keep coming and that you
cannot keep from putting down in words, either in depth
communication or in personal journaling, and these are
vital for your continued development.
As the month begins, you are coming into yourself in a new
way through plumbing your depths in some fashion. This is
not unusual for you of course, but this particular inner
journey is definitely becoming a larger and larger part of
your reality, and your communication with others around
you reveals the intensity of your exploration. The days
surrounding this juncture are climactic for you, as you look
more closely into where you are at right now and how far
you have yet to go to accomplish your most deeply
cherished goals and objectives. Your dreams are only
partially centered in the mundane concerns of making a
living and achieving outer world aims. Instead you are
more fully centered on a series of emotional developments
that are taking place beneath the surface, within the scope
of home and family concerns and those of your root
psychological process.
Sagittarius Horoscope (November 22 - December 21)
Mutable Fire. Your ruling planet is Jupiter.
Your future is appearing before you in frozen, almost
crystallized form, Sagittarius. You can see it and even
taste it but it seems less than fully reachable right now.
You are more serious than ever about where you are
headed these days, and how to more successfully plug
yourself in, although the outcome remains elusive. You are
feeling your way through to the sense of mission that
defines your identity in a more profound way. Homey
concerns call to you, influencing your decisions and even
your values. When you stop and look, or better yet journal,
the shift is profound and yet is based on a spiritual
commitment to effect change through the medium of
everyday life.
As the month begins, you are exploring facets of your
outer-world path as an indication of inner resonance.
Everything that you do reflects every other aspect of your
being in the world, so that there is not as much separation
between inner and outer as consensus thinking might
conclude. You are making a determined stab right now to
redefine where you might be heading in your life, and in so
doing take as your starting point a firm sense of the
natural and characteristic restrictions imposed by your
circumstances. This aids you in establishing a more direct
sense of earth wisdom and emotional steadiness to go with
your current flair of airy idealism. You are at this time
summing up conclusions regarding the past three weeks of
the lunar cycle, which was kicked off by the mid-January
Solar Eclipse in your values sector. The New Moon of the
following weekend, taking place on Saturday, February
13th, brings fresh energy into the picture, and the urge to
communicate your deepest truth to others around you.
This is a time of taking new perspectives into the mix of
energies that surround you as your inner vision for
yourself keeps expanding.
Capricorn Horoscope (December 22 - January 19)
Cardinal Earth. Your ruling planet is Saturn.
Your ship of state has lost its rudder but not its compass,
Capricorn. While you are shining in terms of outer world
pursuits right now, some degree of conflict remains within
your own inner world. In this current monthly time frame a
difficult passage is coming to an illogical conclusion, but
one that brings you peace of mind. You must accept it that
your sailing vessel has left its port of origin, never to
return, and that while within hailing distance of another,
farther, shore is still very much at sea. The good news is
that the life changes that you are in the midst of are
conducive to your continued well-being, and in the long
run, even necessary to it.
As the month begins, you are straddling two worlds. While
very much inhabiting the outer world of your achievement
you are tuned also to the inner realities that have
accompanied your recent massive transformation. You are
being guided to thoroughly investigate your depths as a
part of your journey into wholeness, and it is more than
possible that there will be some suffering that you will
encounter along the way as the new alignment you are
groping for begins to settle into place. These are more
constructively considered as growing pains for the new self
that you are in the process of birthing. The first week of
the month represents an excellent time for you to take
stock. Things have been going well for you in terms of
accomplishment and your visibility on the public stage,
although your usual added ingredient of hard work has
also been involved. You may have been experiencing a
conflict deep within that can only be resolved by letting go
of a cherished part of the concepts by which you normally
steer yourself.
Aquarius Horoscope (January 20 - February 18)
Fixed Air. Your ruling planets are Uranus and Saturn.
Magic and mystery meet up with ordinary reality now,
Aquarius, to lend positive and also more elusive vibes.
Your inner dream worlds have been very active lately, and
continue to strongly inform your sense of what is going on,
while your outer presentation partakes of the infinite.
Finances are lucky for you now, and gifts of the psyche
come into the picture of a rich new beginning to the year
and decade. Even as you more fully inhabit the outer world
of people and events and form new connections socially,
it's also easy to get confused and feel trapped in a prison
of your own making. The truth is that outer and inner are
but two sides of the same coin and that your journey right
now partakes of both.
As the month begins, you are kicking it into high gear with
your outer world presence, even though a part of you
remains detached and more fully involved in mystical
matters beneath the level of your conscious awareness.
You are very focused in terms of achievement, and may
encounter some degree of tension in your process
because of it. You are summing up the lessons of the past
year in your sector of dream imagination, and these are
essentially spiritual lessons. The deep-level transformation
of your beliefs and values is at the heart of your
experience right now. You are enjoying a fresh burst of
energy for both inner and outer pursuits. This is a
supreme moment of individual and personal evolution that
is taking you to places that you never thought that you
would ever reach, places that are normally not accessible
to your everyday awareness and understanding. It is
possible that areas of trauma will come up for you at this
time that you have not consciously considered. These
residues of early involvement with difficult situations have
perhaps become lodged in your body and in your
subterranean depths without recognition. These walled-off
toxic emotional knots can reach out to trouble you without
you being really aware of how they got there or what can
be done to ease their pain.
Pisces Horoscope (February 19 - March 20)
Mutable Water. Your ruling planets are Neptune and
This is a season of magical possibilities for you, Pisces.
There are worlds within worlds within you, and then there is
the surface field of life that goes on all around you, and
you have a foot in each camp right now. Dream realities
can be powerful too, as you well know, being something of
a specialist. Conception precedes physical manifestation.
This is a time of jelling transformation, of concretizing your
wildest dreams for yourself going forward, as you
reconsider fundamental agendas. There is a necessary
integration that you are seeking and it comes a bit closer
by month's end, when relationship in your life sizzles and
when partners help you to prepare for greatness.
As the month begins, you are enjoying life to the fullest as
you engage in meaningful activity that takes you closer to
commitment both with intimate partners in your life and
also with respect to your own sense of ongoing evolution.
This is a lucky and socially engaged period for you, since
your co-ruler Jupiter recently entered into your identity
sector. It isn't only the gold of outer circumstance that
glitters for you now, however. You are spending much of
your time these days dwelling in the misty spaces behind
and beyond your conscious mind, and reaping the rewards
of meditative inner connectivity. This represents a
thoughtful time of reassessment, when you might come to
value even more the vast and yeasty silence that
engenders all things. As the sage says, the universe like a
bellows is always emptying, always full. This is a time of
summing up what the past year has shown you as you
dared to dream fresh dreams based on the keystone of
your inner experience. This year powerful for you and
connects your sense of identity with the deeper inner
worlds within you. You are pursuing at this time the
shamanic path of connection with other-dimensional reality
that partakes of many layers, only one of which is what is
termed the normal world of everyday affairs that goes on
all around you. Intimate connection with others is not a part
of this scenario, which is more about your own connection
to the divine within you, but yet is also an important part of
what is happening to you right now, a layer unto itself that
mingles with and informs the others. You are feeling the
delight of partnership connection and with your own
process as well, that partakes of the mystical inner as well
as the joyous outer world.