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Psychic Channeling for First Quarter of 2010


Here are some general topics asked of me to look upon:

Food Contamination continues into 2010

Way back in 2007 As I predicted we would become fearful of the purity

of our food and water. With E-coli found in water for spinach and carrots.

Lettuce had an alert. And as always ground beef.

To date the FDA has no set standards in monitoring fecal contamiation

in rinsed packaged vegetables including lettuce. Still thoroughly wash

anything that notes already being triple washed.

2010 Bio Engineered Food Contamination continues

2009, the concern was too many bio-engineered foods,

tampering with nature and we ingest re-engineered foods can

tamper with our DNA and create a variety of new diseases. A

great of produce may be contaminated and create a massive

wave of viral enteritis.

A new disease will be announced that emmanate from over use

of Splenda. Many websites are already starting to buzz from

harmful side effects as a result of using too much sucralose.

2010 Brings increased government corruption

Who will take over the house?

The channeling shows the Republican Party setting the stage to set up

the Democratic Party in a major scandal this fall.

In 2006 It was previously depicted in channeling that the democratic

party would hold the house majority.

( This prediction was written on 10/1/2006 and on 11/08/2006 after the

elections the democrats have the house majority- verified by Beth

Masters Research)

Will airline travel be safe this quarter?

I do not believe that airline travel will be safe on the following days:



May 7th, 8th- 12th ,22nd

Mercury turns retrograde September 8, 18th, 22nd 27th

Mercury turns retrograde December 27th,Dec 29th,



Jan 3rd, 5th, 8th

Last years Predictions 2009:

December: 23rd , 28th

January: 17th, Update Jan 2009 prediction veriifed accurate

February 7th 12th, 20th

March : very bad winds and rain, 7th, 14th, 25nd

April: more volatile storms: 4th, 15th, 30th.

verified accuarte

Many states that will have the worst flooding measurements this year

and extreme cold will appear into spring. Minnesota, New York, Maryland

Washington. Florida, Houston

Hawaii, earthquake watch alert. 2010

California earthquake watch for 2010.

Another earthquake for China 2009.

*verified accurate by Beth Masters.

UK excessive reports of illness due to environmental toxins and

radiation may be related to a chemical spill or accidental environmental

exposure near 8/2010.

Astrology Watch for 2010

Transits to the U.S. Chart USA

Last month we noted for January that the mid-month time of the Solar

Eclipse and New Moon would be a dicey period, since Saturn was still

conjunct the U.S. Midheaven while Pluto squared it. Some kind of test for

this country was indicated. Indeed this was the time period of the

devastating Haiti Earthquake that left 170,000 dead and more than one

million homeless in its wake. Of course the quake was more of an impact

on Haiti than on the Western world that was called to rise up in

response, and the transits to the chart of Haiti were quite severe also,

when examined for the date and time of the original quake, 1/12/2010 at

16:53 EST (for an analysis see below). But the test to the responsive

abilities of America was also of great interest given the transits to the U.

S. chart for the eclipse date, two days after the quake itself and just

when the international response was getting underway. The response of

the Western powers has to get poor marks overall, although many

people were helped and lives saved by the actions of the international

community, lead by the United States. There were many mistakes made

while getting food and medical relief to the hundreds of thousands of

wounded and refugee population, mostly because it was the U.S. military

that was handed this mission. Instead of aid delivery, military presence

and security were prioritized.

On Friday, January 15, the U. S. military took over the airport and

supervised the eventual deployment of 15,000 troops, mostly to keep

order. Meanwhile, of seven hospital planes that attempted to land over

the following weekend, only one was allowed to land in Port-au-Prince,

the rest being told to land many miles away in the Dominican Republic.

As a result, much-needed medicine had a much further route to travel to

reach the people who so desperately need it.

Medical Group Faults US Militarization of Haitian Relief

The US, meanwhile, is being accused of prioritizing the delivery of troops

and military equipment over direly needed aid. Doctors Without Borders

legal director Francoise Saulnier says a plane carrying over twelve tons

of aid was turned back from landing three times this week.

Francoise Saulnier: "Now everything has been mixed together, and the

urgent and vital attention to the people have been delayed, while military

logistic—which is useful, but not on day three, not on day four, but

maybe on day eight—this military logistic has really jammed the airport

and led to this mismanagement, real mismanagement of vital issues."

See Democracy Now!

In responding to the massive earthquake the United States population

gave generously. The ten-dollar donations by cell phone to the

American Red Cross for Haitian aid rapidly overwhelmed the servers that

were set up to handle them. It is interesting in this regard to check the

transits for the U.S. chart – with transiting Pluto opposed to the Jupiter-

Venus conjunction in the U.S. 7th house, referring to generosity toward

other nations. Also transiting Neptune and Chiron were found directly on

U.S. Moon, symbolizing the American people. This is consistent with a

spiritual impulse of sacrifice and a compassion recognition of others'


A Look at the Transits to the Chart of Haiti Haiti-Earthquake

A glance at the chart of modern Haiti's founding, January 1, 1804, as

given in Nick Campion's Book of World Horoscopes, p. 193 (see chart) is

quite revealing regarding the power of Astrology to lend meaning to the

events of our lives. You can see that the current Saturn – Pluto square

is all over this chart, since a Saturn conjunction with Haiti's Saturn is

underway. Saturn was stationing on Haiti's Saturn at the time of the

occurrence. Further, the Moon at the time of the earthquake was at a

similar degree to transiting Neptune and Chiron, transiting Sun and

Venus, and transiting Uranus, all lined up with Haiti's Neptune and Haiti's

Mercury/Venus midpoint. The Solar Eclipse a few days later exactly

squared Haiti's Neptune.

These transits point up Neptune the transformer. It is not well-known, but

Neptune too can be a transformer, just as Pluto is. Neptune changes you

by dissolving the knottiness of the past so that you have the chance to

breathe again. In this case, with Neptune involved, it may well be that just

as attitudes toward Haiti on the part of the Western world will soften,

inevitably, as the world reaches out to help this terribly damaged country

to rebuild, so too will the attitudes of Haitians soften in response. And

this is part of the transformation that must happen, in this pivotal

decade, as we leave behind the mistakes of the past and move forward

into a time when we treasure every aspect of our human family rather

than one particular tribe (our own) and when as a culture we begin to

respect and celebrate all the colors of the rainbow.



Past Predictions Verified:

Dear Clients,

Do you remember a long time ago when Joanna wrote these predictions in your

old mailer newsletters ?

I'm still tracking her!

Remember When You Heard It From Her First ? :

Do you remember the?

Overseas massive wet weather and land slides, also unexpected

volcano eruptions and earthquakes.

China, India, Pakistan, Phillipines.

This prediction was written on 10/1/2006 and- verified by Beth Masters


Warm and sweltery weather will be coming. Also unexpected cold spells will be

mixed in. More flooding coming to Illinois especially near south and western

suburbs. Plan for electricity shortages to come by keeping a good stock of food

with extended shelf life, Batteries, and lots of candles and matches. Keep a

survival bag in your car of extra clothing and food as well. *** This prediction has

been verified to be published before the incidents in Illinois - Beth Masters -

Prediction Verification

Breakthrough in Paula Jones case will occur and an appeal will be granted .

Another new woman will be found to testify. * note this prediction was published

before Monica Lewinsky was discovered- Beth Masters Verification Research.

A Surge of missing children will occur around the southwestern part of the

United States. *** verified 7/2005

Airline Travel accident scare in September 2002. * Note this prediction was

published prior to 9/11- Beth Masters - Verfication Research

Loved Ones Crossed Over:

Testimonial Tracking By : Beth Masters

The following is e-mail feedback received from

Joanna's Predictions Blog :

( her blog has moved to google)

I won roulette on the number 13 !

Dennis G.- Chicago,IL 1/13/2009


My wife passed and you did hear from her accurately !

Jonny G, Tenn.


You heard from my brother Sam, thanks for telling me

my stepsister had his gold chain,

Gina Dower- U.K.


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