You know what this current mix of transiting energies makes me think of? Taking what’s wild, and applying rules to it.
Venus in Aries is just coming off a conjunction with rebel Uranus, and heading into a square with expansive Jupiter in Cancer. Venus in Aries is a bit crazy. Charge after what you want. Flirt with an assertive edge. Draw a little blood. Uranus and Jupiter are punching up those Venus themes (love, money, self-esteem, beauty).
But Jupiter is trining Saturn Rx in Scorpio. No matter how you slice it, Saturn is about rules. The limits of reality. To me, this feels like taking the crazy____ and focusing it. Taking what’s messy and putting some polish on it. Saturn Rx in Scorpio is not about convention, btw (not that kind of polish). It’s about reaching deeper, stretching further (so that you pull a muscle) and coming up with a meaningful focus. Going to where it aches, and finding the truth, and allowing those limits to add an edge to your creation. Or your directionless desire.
It’s great to have rampant passion, but you really get down to business when you focus that passion.