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Sochi Clock Tower's Mysterious Zodiac

The Clock Tower at the Sochi Central Railroad Station has a crazy Zodiac -- here's a close-up image to see for yourself.
I finally found this from the Moscow Times: "The zodiac signs are in the wrong order, and some are missing altogether. The architect, Alexei Dushkin, was rumored to be a member of an occult group so the mix-up is not accidental. Only the Leo, Virgo and Libra symbols are in order while Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius are replaced with a swan, snake and hound dogs."
Curiously, the architect Alexei Dushkin designed a twin with the same Italian style -- the Railway station in Simferopol, Ukraine. It too has a mixed-up circle of animals. A Ukrainian travel-site explains: But if you pass the railway station of Simferopol, don't miss the anomaly: Virgo, Libra and Taurus were replaced by serpent (Serpentarius), greyhound and swan!"
Maybe he had a warped sense of humor, or just wanted to mix things up a bit. A mystery befitting this time of Mercury retrograde.
Sochi Clock Tower (c)Belyaev Viacheslav via Cliparto



Anonymous said…
That is really intriguing. I wonder why they're in the wrong order.
Unknown said…
No wonder I was confused when looking at it! Very curious.
Anonymous said…
I adore a good mystery so I researched this strange zodiac in ref to Dushkin and Stalin (who commissioned it) and I think I have some explanation for part of this mystery. I noticed immediately that Capricorn is the only sign in its "proper place" (10th H. - "midheaven"). I found that Stalin changed his birthday when he reached 50. This put the date a year and 3 days ahead which made his birth chart exactly the same as the winter solstice (symbolically making him "the Sun" being "reborn") and also made his Asc. & Sun conjunct in Capricorn! (Powerful placement!) I have some ideas about the "new" Zodiac animals since Scorpio has 2 other stages (Serpent & Eagle), this could correlate to the snake & swan. On a website for the railroad, however, it mentions that the "construction of the clock was interrupted" as explanation for the anomaly (but BOTH clocks? Doesn't seem likely...)
Unknown said…
Ah, a mystery we may never know the why of in this clock face.
Unknown said…
I wonder what the architect was thinking when he was making this clock since he put them in the wrong order. There must have been a good reason for it.
penni d said…
It would be interesting to know if the paths of these two had ever crossed. One mystery here, one mystery there, what would tie them in together?
Unknown said…
I didn't watch the Olympics so this is the first time I'm seeing it
Unknown said…
Hmm, I wonder if this mystery will ever be solved? It is rather intriguing and really makes you wonder what was going through the clock makers mind when he made it.
Nico said…
Looks very fascinating, I wonder what his motivation was behind this.

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